No News For Saint Patty's

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 12:53:01 GMT  <== Personal ==> 

I looked over my normal news sources, but nothing grabbed me and said, "Post me!"

Spending lots of time reading the Programming Ruby, even bought the second edition as a PDF.

Also working on my S3 code. Should manage to get some image files up today to test whether they still work correctly without Apache-provided MIME types. Probably will. Then I just need to walk my 911 Timeline page and upload it to S3.

Puppy Linux continues to satisfy. Installed GNU Privacy Assistant (gpa) today. It's a GUI frontend for gnupg, the freeware implementation of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). It is unfortunately missing the nice clipboard interface of PGP. It only interacts with files.

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911 Timeline Partly Up on S3

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:16:27 GMT

Well, I wrote code to upload the HTML for a web page and to upload a directory. I put up the index page, and the three main timeline pages, plus all the images that they access. The rest probably won't take very long, though I think I'll have to write some link walking code in order to get all the web pages (they use server-side includes, so I can't just upload the files).

If you're interested, browse on over to (no link because I don't want the search engines to index it until it's all there). The only links that work at present are Parts 1 & 2, the Day of 9/11, and the Abridged Timeline. There's no default page for a "directory" in S3, so you have to include "index.html".

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