June 2004
Tuesday, 1 June: Old Horseman
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Michael Badnarik: The LP Picks a Winner
- Thomas L. Knapp at Rational Review - Conventional unwisdom: The Life of the Party, part 19
- Old Horseman - Misconceptions Website of the Second Horseman of the Confederacy
- Paul Rockwell at The Sacramento Bee - Atrocities in Iraq: 'I killed innocent people for our government'
- Garry Reed, the Loose Cannon Libertarian - Wordwrangling
- Clare Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Hardyville Does Drugs
- Loompanics Unlimited - THE FREEDOM OUTLAW'S HANDBOOK: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution
- Nat Hentoff at The Village Voice - Patriot Act Besieged
- William L. Anderson at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities?
- I put a Badnarik
- Kurt Vonnegut at In These Times - Cold Turkey
- SuiJuris at SuiJuris.net - Constitutional Classes by Badnarik SuiJuris.net
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - Five Smooth Stones
- Jerome Tuccille at LewRockwell.com - It Usually Begins With... Michael Badnarik?
- Doug Newman at Strike the Root - 1-2-3 What Are We Fighting For?
- Bob Murphy at Strike the Root - A Connecticut Yankee in King George's Court Mark Twain On the Damned Human Race
- Steve Trinward at Liberty for All - The Mythology of the Wasted Vote
- recommend checking out the articles and photographs on my home page
- The Second Horseman of the Confederacy - On Civilization and Government Chapter Five: Government Chapter Six: The Thin Blue Line
- John Ross - I'm Not the Only One Thinking About What the Iraq War Means
- Sean Corrigan at LewRockwell.com - Let's Go Fly a Kite
- Publicola - Want Another Reason Not to Hand Your Gun Over to the Cops? previous post
- Stephanie Zacharek at Salon via fairuse fairuse.1accesshost.com - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- AK103K at The High Road - Here's a pic of my pocket gun
- I moved Jack W. Boone Daniel J. Boone Rachel Lucas Bill Whittle
- Daniel Henninger at Opinion Journal - Want a Different Abu Ghraib Story? Try This One
- Chuck Hawks - Just Say "NO" to Gun Registration
- The Second Horseman of the Confederacy - The Rifleman
- The Second Horseman of the Confederacy - The United States versus America
- The Second Horseman of the Confederacy - To All Good Cops...
- Jude Wanniski at LewRockwell.com - Remembering Tiananmen Square
- Charley Reese at LewRockwell.com - Bad News for Control Freaks
- Camille Dodero at The Boston Phoenix - Recruitment-Office Protest
- Bill Johnson at ChuckHawks.com - Affordable Accuracy David Tubb's Final Finish System
- The kids and I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- # S.2498 here
- Nicholas D. Kristof at The New York Times -
Beating Specialist Baker
- Dave Lindorff at Counterpunch - A First Glimpse at Bush's Tortureshow: John Walker Lindh, Revisited
- KeepAndBearArms.com - KABA
- Jim Davies at Strike the Root - Nothing Learned in 60 Years
- L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Be Ashamed ... Be Very Ashamed
- Jonathan Turley at The LA Times via Common Dreams - You Have Rights -- if Bush Says You Do
- C. Douglas Lummis at Counterpunch - Toward a Universal Declaration of Human Wrongs
- Alan R. Weiss at The Libertarian Enterprise - Dear Mike Badnarik Supporters, Friends, and Future Friends
- Chris Claypoole at The Libertarian Enterprise - A Stable Platform
- "Scheduled for a Summer 2004 launch, The Libertarian Yellow Pages Press Release
- Mike Luckovich at Marc Brands Liberty - Blow Against Terrorists
- The Onion - Poll: Many Americans Still Unsure Whom to Vote Against
- Ron Paul at AntiWar.com - Fresh Failures in Iraq
- The Second Horseman of the Confederacy - Presidential Politics: Reagan and the Rest...
- Teresa Hampton & Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue - Where Big Brother Snoops on Americans 24/7 3701 Fairfax Drive
- U.S. Senate - S. 2498
- John Dodd at Japan.com - The Techno Maestro's Amazing Machine: Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnetic Fan Company
- P.A. Luty - The Home Gunsmith from Paladin Press at iKobo 12g Pistol page
- Chan Lowe at Marc Brands Liberty - Ronald Reagan vs. George W Bush
- Kurt Saxon - Fantasy & Weaponry www.kurtsaxon.com
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - Summertime
- Jesse Walker at Reason - The Search for the Historical Reagan
- Murray N. Rothbard at The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Myths of Reaganomics
- Just1pin at Boston Indymedia Center - Direct Action at Local Army Recruiting Center! here
- Raphael Lewis of The Boston Globe via Liberty Forum - T to check packages, bags at random
- News with Views - Gun Decision Could Have Far Reaching Implications
- Imogen Foulkes at BBC News - A fix but no cure for addicts
- Sheldon Richman of The Future of Freedom Foundation via The Price of Liberty - Kerry: An Echo, Not a Choice
- Lisa Guliani at Coalition for Free Thought in Media Yahoo Group - Rick Stanley RAIDED in Colorado by Federal Agents here here here stanley2002.org http://www.wingtv.net
- Elena Lappin at Guardian Unlimited - Welcome to America
- The Independent (UK) - Lockdown on Sea Island
- Trigger Finger - The Canaries Are Dying
- Murray N. Rothbard at LewRockwell.com - The Reagan Phenomenon
- Coolsoft - Power MP3 Recorder
- russmo.com - Conservative Pres
- Al Berger - Ray Charles 1930-2004
- Claire Wolfe - I Keep Opening a Copy of the Torture Memo
- Jacob G. Hornberger at The Price of Liberty - The Padilla Doctrine Doesn't Infringe on Freedom--It Destroys It
- William S. Lind - The Canon and the Four Generations
- Karen Kwiatkowski at LewRockwell.com - The Neocons' One-Trick Pony When the President and the Vice President contract private criminal attorneys
- From Spider Robinson's introduction to Heinlein's For Us, the Living
- Security Arms - AWC G2 Bullpup Springfield SOCOM 16
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com Blog - A Great Leader Passes
- Joseph Sobran - They Aren't What They Used to Be Abe Lenin
- Gil Bliss at The New Hapshire Union Leader - NH man a champion for gun rights activists
- Charley Reese - War, War, War!
- Coalition to Stop Gun Violence - Guns and the GOP this Jacob Sullum article this article joint letter
- Marshall Fritz - GetTheKidsOut Alliance for the Separation of School & State
- Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - Down With the Presidency
- David C. Moorman at Strike the Root - The Choice of a New Generation
- Bill St. Clair - An Open Letter to George W. Bush: Detention, treatment, and trial of alleged terrorists here
- Charley Hardman - The life and times of Janet Reno
- Arundhati Roy - Come September here The God of Small Things
- Alan R. Weiss at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Economics of Sitting Ducks
- Kaptain Kanada, aka Manuel Miles at The Libertarian Enterprise - Courage
- Bruce Hammond at Marc Brands Liberty - Ashcroft and the Geneva Convention
- Al Barger at Culpepper Log -
Olsen twins turn 18
my favorite (pants-on) photo countdown sites Mary-Kate & Ashley: Jailbait No More
- I finished reading Robert A. Heinlein's For Us, the Living
- Eric Margolis at The Toronto Sun - U.S. honour ambushed
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Torture, War, and Presidential Powers
- George F. Smith at Strike the Root - The Story of the Fed Is a Story of a Crime The Creature from Jekyll Island
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - To Hell in a Bipartisan Hand Basket
- Jerry Pournelle - TSA Anonymous
- Jason Burke at Guardian Unlimited - Secret world of US jails
- Chuck Asay at Gun Week - John Kerry on Rights
- I made my third installment last night on the Marlin 1894P four weeks ago One Hole Sight
- KeepAndBearArms.com - What do you think of this politician?: A follow-up to the KABA poll 1983 resolution
- Kathryn A. Graham - Vote Freedom 2004 official site Firearms page
- I added
The Unity Symbol
gunlaws.com A Message from Michael Lynch
- Jerry Pournelle - TSA 2 further down the page
- Aaron Zelman and Claire Wolfe at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Kick Your Victim Addiction: 12 Steps to Restoring Courage and Freedom
- Declan McCullagh's Politech RSS Atom
- Bill Winter at Rational Review - Adroit to Zestful: Review of Harry Browne's Liberty A-Z
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Savage Model 10FP-LE2 .308 Tactical Tackdriver
- Steve Sack at Marc Brands Liberty - The New Iraqi Government
- Rick Stanley - from The Stanley Scoop www.stanley2002.org
- The Albany Times-Union www.bronxda.net/fcrime/stats.htm
- Terry Jones at Guardian Unlimited - This won't hurt much
- Liz Michael - The Revolution Has Started: Haman's Gallows and the Mordecai Element
- Carl Bussjaeger at The Mansfield News Journal - Drop charges in Ashland weapons case
- Edgar J. Steele - Together, We Can Take Back America!
- Solari.com - July 4th Declaration of Financial Transformation
- Kim du Toit -
DawnSunset - Martyn Williams at MacCentral - Fujitsu begins 100GB notebook hard drive production
- It occurred to me on Tuesday, while I was looking at that new Marlin 1894P cowboy country 283K MP3 of UWyo marching band
- Bob Wallace at The Price of Liberty - The Way It Should Have Been
- Billy Beck at KimDuToit.com - here's the full text of Mr. Beck's comment on Kim's Delta Sunset article
- Ronald Neff at Strike the Root - No Special Features; No Alternate Ending
- Joel Miller at Lew Rockwell.com - The Jailor State and the Drug War Bad Trip: How the War Against Drugs is Destroying America
- Richard Edwards at This Is London - Steaming gang's terror reign
- Kurt Nimmo at Counterpunch - The Bush-Kerry Conundrum: The Only Choice is the War Party
- From Democracy.Ru's Quotes Page
- My post to this High Road thread
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Little Ladies Lessons in the War on Terror
- Charley Reese - Reagan Stories
- Ran Prieur - The Gospel of George
- Cory Doctorow at craphound.com - Microsoft Research DRM Talk
- Gary Brecher at exile.ru - Most Valuable Weapon: the RPG
- dh2.net WHOIS to the rescue
- Author unknown - Squirrel Encounter
- Jim Smith at The Philadelphia Inquirer -
Tax protester faces kiddie-porn charges
- I downloaded Knoppix-MiB
- Joel on Software - How Microsoft Lost the API War summarized it
- From Dave Polaschek's quotes page
- According to this page at the U.S. Naval Observatory
- Jerry Pournelle - I am at XCOR HQ in Mojave today's Scaled Composites launch Samizdata.net CNN plans to televise it Mojave Airport web site
- I discovered last night, that Knoppix-MiB Knoppix http://torrent.unix-ag.uni-kl.de:6969/ BitTorrent
- In honor of SpaceShipOne
- Today, the first hit in a Google search for "papieren bitte" "Papieren Bitte" in Boston
- AP via ABC News - Court: No Right to Keep Names From Police Dudley Hiibel's web site
- Claire Wolfe - Cops and the people: "It's half-past Claire Wolfe"
- Bill of Rights
- Claire Wolfe - Is This Cool, or What?
- NBC10.com - Rocket Plane Makes First Private Space Flight
- Andy Stedman at No Treason! - Kidnapped
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Zero Down for the American Dream
- Joel Miller at LewRockwell.com - The Afghan Bungle
- Joe Blow at Strike the Root - Identities and Aliases
- Gun Week - TSA May Be Phased Out By Critics in Congress
- Dave Workman at Gun Week - Wrestling with a Python! Colt's Most Famous Snake
- skype
- NBC10.com - Rocket Plane Makes First Private Space Flight
- Bob Wallace at The Libertarian Enterprise - Satan in a Three-Piece Suit
- Duncan Campbell and Suzanne Goldenberg at Guardian Unlmited - 'They said this is America . . . if a soldier orders you to take off your clothes, you must obey'
- Bryan Henderson at Protest Warrior - Operation Tiger Claw
- Bob Wallace at The Price of Liberty - The Coming Housing Crash
- Kim du Toit - Truck Guns
- Bushmaster .308 Rifles Springfield SOCOM 16
- Aaron McGruder's Boondocks via Marc Brands Liberty - Iraqi Sovereignty
- Dan Wasserman at The Boston Globe - Ashcroft on Torture
- Joe Garner And Hector Gutierrez at The Rocky Mountain News - Adams jury convicts gun activist on 2 felony counts
- Manhattan Libertarian Party via The Price of Liberty - No Permission Required: Libertarians Announce "Unauthorized" RNC Protest
- Fred Reed at Strike the Root - Curmudgeonly Reflections on Democracy
- EconGeek at the Claire Files Board - Shrug Atlas Shrugged
- Paul Marston at The Telegraph - Cars are more fuel-efficient than trains, claims study
- Gregg Ramsay at The New Hampshire Union Leader - Advice for Free State carpetbaggers -- Go home
- Richard Wall at LewRockwell.com - Michael Moore: on the Couch and in the Spotlight "Training Wheels and Fighting Words," "Michael Moore gets distribution deal: just the ego-boost he needs"
- Dark Operations Knives
- Ben Sargent - "Liberty," Eh?
- GunTech.com - Hillberg Insurgency Weapons
- Charley Reese at LewRockwell.com - The Nuclear Arms Race
- Joseph L. Galloway of Knight Ridder Newspapers at FortWayne.com - Iraq combat: What it's really like over there
- Devvy Kidd - Election 2004 Campaign Issue: No More New Laws
- Tibor R. Machan at Rational Review - What terrorists' targets reveal
- William Norman Grigg at LewRockwell.com - Fahrenheit 9/11: A Conservative Critique
- Harvey Silverglate at LewRockwell.com - Ashcroft's Gulag
- I remember hearing on Wakin' Up With The Wolf PYX 106 Clear Channel "Money"
- I added Outdoor Marksman Mail-Order Ammunition Distributors
- Dennis Wilson's Artemus Zuna Trading Post - Radical Views
- There's a nice Flash ad at Michael Badnarik's campaign site here
- Charley Hardman at saltypig.com - Schumer: Better Mall Security Needed
- Boston Indymedia - "Baghdad to Boston" group brings it back to military recruiters' door
- Noam Chomsky - The Fate of an Honest Intellectual
- Jay Lehr at The Heartland Institute via Liberty Forum - Stossel Takes on All Comers: Government, Press, Lawyers Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media
- W. Daniel Hillis at LongNow.org - Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine
- Brendan I. Koerner at Wired - The Trillion-Barrel Tar Pit
- Reuters via CNN - Protesters 'drive' Bush from Ireland Indymedia Ireland here
- Ireland Online - Ring of steel welcome for Bush
- Clay S. Conrad at The American Jury Institute - Doing Your Best as a Trial Juror: Surviving Voir Dire
- Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness - Coup D'Etat: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned from the CIA on June 3rd and 4th here
- Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Shuffling to the sound of the Morlocks' dinner bell
- GeekWithA.45 - I've Been Sitting On This Post Awhile...
- I downloaded and installed PGP
- Ian McCollum at WOLFESBLOG - "Range Report: M1 "Tanker" Garand"
- Doc Russia - A Shitty Little "War" Story
- Kim du Toit - New Acronym
- Larry Dudley Hiibel at The Christian Science Monitor - He fought the law, and the law won
- Libertarian Party Press Releases - Attack on 'Fahrenheit 9/11' shows 'Constitution is on fire' Badnarik says
- Daniel Patrick Welch at Strike the Root - Good for Business, Bad for the People
- Paul Armentano at AlterNet - Your License, Your Urine H.R. 3922
- Mike Tennant at Strike the Root Blog - Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Slave Traders this glowing report
- Jacob G. Hornberger at The Future of Freedom Foundation - How Hitler Became a Dictator