Jailbait No More
"Libertarians for Bush" are like "Jews for Hitler". -- L. Neil Smith
Bruce Hammond at Marc Brands Liberty - Ashcroft and the Geneva Convention - Flash animation commentary on Ashcroft's opinion of the Geneva Conventions. Not funny. [smith2004]
Al Barger at Culpepper Log -
Olsen twins turn 18 - Mary-Kate and Ashley are of age as of
yesterday. I'm staying home with my sick son today or I'd hear all
about it on one of the morning drive shows I listen to.
Rolling Stone has
my favorite (pants-on) photo (and, no, I don't know where you can
find a pants-off photo). Yum. There are a bunch of
countdown sites. E-online has an
article entitled
Mary-Kate & Ashley: Jailbait No More. Hehe. [culpepperlog]
# I finished reading Robert A. Heinlein's For Us, the Living. Interesting book. Short enough to read in a few hours. Mostly lecture, but some action and a little sex and intrigue. The economic system he proposes is the most interesting part of the book. Eliminate the federal reserve. The government prints money and gives enough to each person to live. A freer society with much more privacy produces enough to eat up this growth in the money supply that would otherwise cause inflation. I'm not much of an economist, so I don't know if his system would work, but it does satisfy one of the problems with gold-backed currency. Entrepeneurs are constantly creating more real wealth. If there aren't more dollars chasing that wealth, then deflation will result or, as Heinlein propounds, over-production, material on the shelves of producers but not enough money in the hands of the people to buy it. From pp. 88-90:
At a caucus of the Libertarians it was proposed and agreed to that a small representative committee draft and submit to the caucus an amendment in the form of a new constitution which, if adopted and ratified, would supersede the old constititution in toto...
I won't go into the munutiae of the document but serveral changes are worthy of note tonight. The most important was the addition of a new restriction on the power of government. Henceforth no law was constitutional that deprived any citizen of any liberty of action which did not interfere with the equal freedom of action by another citizen. Pardon me, I have stated that badly. These are the words of the new constitution: 'Every citizen is free to perform any act which does not hamper the equal freedom of another. No law shall forbid the performance of any act, which does not damage the physical or economic welfare of any other person. No act shall constitute a violation of any law valid under this provision unless there is such damage, or immediate present danger of such damage resulting from that act.'
Do you see the significance of that last provision? Up to that time, a crime had two elements; act of commission and intent. Now it had a third; harmful effect which must be proved in each case, as well as the act and the intent. The consequences of this change can hardly be exaggerated. It established American individualism forever by requiring the state to justify in each case its interference with an individual's acts. Furthermore, the justification must be based on a tangible damage or potential damage to a person or persons. The person damaged might be a school-girl injured or endangered by a reckless driver or it might be every person in the state endangered by the betrayal of military secrets or injured by manipulation of commodity prices, but it must not be some soulless super-person, the state incarnate, or the majesty of the law. It reduced the state to its proper size, an instrument to serve individuals, instead of a god to be worshipped and glorified. Most especially it ended the possibility of the majority oppressing any monority with that hackneyed hoary lie that 'the majority is always right.'
In another place in the constitution, corporate persons were defined and declared to have no rights of any sort except wherein they represented rights of real persons. Corporate persons could not be damaged. An act committed against a corporate person must be shown to have damaged a real person in order to constitute an offense. This was intended to clip the wings of corporate trusts which threatened to crowd out the man of flesh and blood.
Another new civil liberty was defined, the right of privacy. You will understand that better as you study the code of customs...
Previous Posts:
An Open Letter to George W. Bush
Bill to Bush: Stop It
AWC G2 Bullpup
The Padilla Doctrine
Rick Stanley Raided by Forty Goons
I'll Have to Check Your Bag, Comrade
Have You Decided Yet Whom to Vote Against?
"Illegal Combatants" My Ass!
I Don't Recall
The Deadly Cancer Attacking America