The Local Solution to Global Tyranny
"Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me." -- Ambrose Bierce
From smith2004:
"This is what it means to be a wolf. This is the promise written in our bones. If we're fast, if we're smart, if we're strong. If our senses are sharp and our footfalls soft, we'll live. There's always meat for a wolf, if we dare to find it. There's always water. There's always warmth. Some don't make it. Some die. They get sick. They get killed. They go lame. But if you're strong, if you're fast, if you're smart, you'll live. That's the only story wolves know. It's the only one we need." -- Rebecca Bergstrom
# pokerkid at the Pokerface Forum - The Local Solution (LS) to Global Tyranny - I received Pokerface's newest album, Made in America in the mail yesterday. This rant is printed on the album insert, in type so small that I can barely make it out with my middle-aged eyes. So I searched for it on the forum, where I can make it as big as I want. The insert also contained a 9-11 Fraudulent Event Note #4, with "" stamped above the right-hand serial number. Great album! I blasted it in my car yesterday. And it has an interactive portion for your (Windows or Macintosh) PC including the complete text of the Anti-Federalist papers, the "Control" video, band pictures, and much more.
9-11 was an artificial creation imposed on us by our wannabee masters. It was the ultimate show of shows, played and replayed over and over again ad nauseam on CNN and other controlled presstitute outlets. The Statist regimeists create events like 9-11 so they can rapidly alter our Constitutional Republican form of government, with little or no resistance, and all under the guise of the all unseen enemy of terrorism. We call it more like Scarism or really, just plain TYRANNY. Bin boogeyman, and So Dam Insane were all created by our CIA, State Department, and with a lot of help from the Israeli Mossad. The Patriot act and the other Rights infringing bills the Congress-critters recently passed were written years before in elitist think tanks. They have been patiently waiting for the right managed crisis to exploit. 9-11, our generations' Pearl Harbor... their words not mine.
Don't begin to kid yourself that you are free in ANY way.... The only freedom you have today that the Statists grant you permission for, are the Rights to kill yourself, or your unborn child. Mainly because these premature deaths go along well with their population control agenda. (See the ECD portion of this disc about the GuideStones) Freedom isn't free if for example, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SELF MEDICATE YOURSELF. Or choose an alternate medical therapy treatment that isn't government approved. Every one of our God given Rights have been abrogated by illegal laws and statutes, imposed on us by the current criminal political cabals posing as quasi-legitimate government officials. There is NO party of, for and by the people. The Red and Blue turd political mafias are working tirelessly for the 'Cult of Greed' and their snake seed-line tribes.
To free our selves from these Corporate Global monopolies, we need a new matrix, a new paradigm than the one we are currently living in. We call it "The Local Solution". Otherwise known as the..."Think Local, Fuck Global" attitude. Globalism is for the Corporate parasites that have no allegiance to any God, country or family and destroy the nation state.Treaties like GATT and NAFTA and organizations like the World Trade Organization have been responisible for devastating the manufacturing and producing capabilities of America. We now employ logai-imprisoned Chinese slaves abroad, pennies on the dollar to make most of our basic needs, while in turn giving them the cash to build up their military forces to be yet another future made adversary. It's time we took care of the home team first. And, that's where LS comes into the picture.
It's how we, as a people on a county level size, create 99% or more of our daily basic needs. We will have good jobs to go to, have a cleaner environment to live in and play, a more stable and loving community, and a stronger infrastructure both as a state and as a nation. What we need first is the ability to create our own natural resources, which we will use to make all the other products our lives need.
Yes, I said most, if not All of our needs. Why a county first off?? In terms of dynamics, logistics and resources; a state is too big and a township too small. The people living in the county should be able to walk, run or ride to work, school, and/or the store easily. The other key factor needed for the LS is FARMLAND. Farmland to grow the basic natural resource HEMP. Which will provide an abundant source of raw materials. Yes.... I said it... HEMP. HEMP is the one plant on this earth that can be the basis for most of what we need and use. From food, to fuel, to fiber, and everything else imaginable. i.e.... paper, plastic, building materials etc.... HEMP is a carbohydrate-based natural resource we the people can grow. It competes against every one the dead-hydrocarbon based monopolies, now in control and killing this world i.e..... oil, fuel, chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, unnatural fibers like nylon, polyester, kevlar, etc.
# Cort Reynolds at The Ada (Ohio) Herald - Ada Airport closes, re-opens in response to letter - a letter to the editor war printed in the paper from a woman who was annoyed by ultralight airplanes flying above her house. She said "sure when they first flew over, it was neat to see, but now I'd like to make them a target in the sky, pretend they are some black bird and shoot them down." The FAA closed the airport from August 12 to 14 while they "investigated". She is facing unspecified "charges". Idiots and assholes abound.
Jodie Giesz-Ramsay at Cannabis Culture -
World-Wide Protests planned - September 10th through 16th in
cities around the world.
# Associated Press via Earthlink Strange News - Woman Helps Ill Duck, but State Seizes It - Diane Erdman raised an injured Mallard duck back to health after it had been injured by a crow. She kept it as a pet. The goons duck-napped it. Unfortunately, Ms. Erdman didn't shoot them dead. Joe Blow said about this story over at root: "No good deed goes unpunished and you can't wipe your a** without a state permit." Indeed. [trt-ny]
Erdmann said she got Gooey, now 11 weeks old, from a friend after the then-day-old duckling had been injured by a crow.
She said he was "not a wild duck" but a domestic mallard.
She got a book on raising ducks, kept him under heat lamps, fed him chicken food and vitamin supplements, bought him custom-made duck diapers and brought him to work every day.
# Roger Young at Strike the Root - Christianity and Anarchism - A Match Made in Heaven - not only is Christianity comatible with anarchism, says Mr. Young, the former, properly understood, pretty much implies the latter. [root]
The Church is a hierarchal order created by man which is used to tell believers what is right and wrong (speaking and interpreting for God)--quite similar to what the state does. The Church's disturbing coziness with the state, described by both Christian and atheist writers, is accurate. The Church has created its own state-like structure to manage and control members. It seems that man must have a bureaucracy created around every activity he's involved in and the Christian "Church" is no different.
The Body, however, I define as individual believers who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God and, therefore, take his words quite seriously. They, therefore, feel compelled to follow his teachings and moral guidance, which also turn out to be quite rational. Most moral, rational atheists will agree with Christ's teachings as relates to how to live peacefully among others. If these believers are like me, they see no purpose belonging to a church denomination or participating in organized worship activities. Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with the Creator. A religion is a tool used by man in an attempt to reach God. Christianity is a relationship with the Son of God who lived an earthly life among his creation. I could never understand how someone could have that personal relationship when their individuality is lost among a large group. "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen" (Matthew 6:6). These individuals walk their own path while inspired by Christ's teachings. Anyone with the smallest reading comprehension abilities can understand Christ's words in the New Testament. They don't need a bellicose preacher telling them what it means.
# Robert J. Spitzer at Christian Science Monitor - To pledge or not to pledge - pledging allegiance to the flag is a morning ritual in most government schools. A 1943 Supreme Court ruled that it could not be made mandatory. Yet schools continue to require students to either stand silently or leave the room. [land]
As Justice Robert Jackson wrote in 1943: "To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary ... is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds."
# Yesterday afternoon, I installed Slackware Linux 10.1 and MediaWiki on a friend's old PC. He wants to serve a wiki for our community. My practice in virtual machines on my PC came in handy. Still had some glitches on configuring LILO to boot the new installation, but I figured it out. Amazing how well Linux runs on an old slow machine, even Gnome was pretty quick.