# Iloilo Marguerite Jones at The Price of Liberty - Iowa Judge Tries to Subvert Trial by Jury - Judge Gregory Hulse of Adel, Iowa threatened some FIJA activists with arrest for handing out pamphlets in front of the court house. If the judge would do his job and inform the jury of their age-old right and duty to judge the alleged law as well as the alleged law breaker, they wouldn't need to hand out their pamphlets, but threatening them with arrest is over the top. Don't they have street lamps in Iowa? Or Hogs? [price]
# Vin Suprynowicz at The Las Vegas Review-Journal - Who called Joe Stalin 'a Christian gentleman'? - book recommendations. Most of the essay is about Thomas E. Woods' Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, but he also mentions Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman's Out of the Gray Zone as an addition to his recommended list for the 11-15 age group, joining Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Farnam's Freehold and L. Neil Smith's Pallas and The Probability Broach.
# Howard Zinn at Guardian Unlimited - It is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too - commentary on the occupation of Amerika by the neocons. [unknown]
But more ominous, perhaps, than the occupation of Iraq is the occupation of the US. I wake up in the morning, read the newspaper, and feel that we are an occupied country, that some alien group has taken over. I wake up thinking: the US is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits who care nothing about human life abroad or here, who care nothing about freedom abroad or here, who care nothing about what happens to the earth, the water or the air, or what kind of world will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.
More Americans are beginning to feel, like the soldiers in Iraq, that something is terribly wrong. More and more every day the lies are being exposed. And then there is the largest lie, that everything the US does is to be pardoned because we are engaged in a "war on terrorism", ignoring the fact that war is itself terrorism, that barging into homes and taking away people and subjecting them to torture is terrorism, that invading and bombing other countries does not give us more security but less.
Simon Pole -
Free Marc Emery: The Single - a two minute mp3 on Marc Emery using
the backing track Relaxation Spa Treatment by Dan the Automator
and voice samples from the media. [pole]
# BBC News - Leak disputes Menezes death story - the story just keeps getting worse of what some gung-ho nazis did to an innocent Brazilian in London. So, if I got information that Tony Blair was carrying a suicide bomb, and I shot him seven times in the head, would I get off too? Somehow, I don't think so. [unknown]
He also said it was "very difficult" to blame individuals for the death of Mr de Menezes.
"Simply because it would appear that they were acting on information that this was a positive identification of Osman [Hussain], one of the suspect bombers.
# Will Gaston at - Portland Police Vie with Anne Frank's Captors for 'Nazi Raiders of the Century' Award - Oregon's a long way from here. Were it within easy driving distance, I would investigate in person, and if I found that this were true, I would be sorely tempted to find this little girl, and return her to her mother, treating her kidnappers with extreme prejudice. [pokerforum]
# I stayed up very late last night installing MediaWiki in my Slackware virtual machine. Very nice. Very easy to install and configure. I tried PhpWiki first. Not nearly as nice, though it will run without MySQL. Had I known how nice it is when I created the Ancap Wiki, I probably would have used it instead of UseMod. Live and learn.
# My first Netflix movies came yesterday, right on schedule two days after they shipped them. I watched the first Firefly episode last night before playing with MediaWiki. I'm hooked.