Poker Face
"Let he who hath no sword sell his cloak and buy one." -- Jesus, Luke 22:36.
From samizdata:
"I was sorry to hear that Robin Cook croaked. When he was alive I wanted to toss him into a vat of hot tar, to make him howl; but now he's a stiff I realise what a loss he is to our nation." -- Harry Hutton
Poker Face: "Protest Rock Made in America." I've read their name
on the agenda for freedom conferences, but had never heard their music
before last night. Yowza!
Paul Topete, who writes, sings, and plays guitar & keyboards for
the band, posted at clairefiles, and gave a link to their web
site. Check out the latest video, and listen to selected tracks from
their four albums (under "music" on the menu near the top of the
page). Not just teasers here, full tracks. If you like them as much as
I do, keep them in business by buying their albums or other
merchandise by clicking on the joker image. And they have a
forum. [clairefiles]
# Drug War Rant - Drug War Victim Anthony Andrew Diotaiuto - murdered by a SWAT team that broke into his house in the early morning. He allegedly pointed the gun he, along with millions of other American's, kept by his bed at the invaders before they shot him dead. They found cannabis and "drug paraphernalia" and some, most likely legal, firearms. The Sun Sentinel story link in the post is broken. The story is here. The cops used a SWAT team because Mr. Diotaituo had a "valid concealed weapons permit". I sent the following letter to the editor: [loretta]
I read in the August 7 issue of the Sun-Sentinel the story of the homicide of Anthony Diotaiuto by Sunrise narco-terrorists. Apparently, Mr. Diotaiuto, like millions of other law-abiding Americans, kept a gun by his bedside so he'd have a fighting chance were his house invaded by low-lifes. I guess he wasn't fast enough. The low-lifes gunned him down. And for what? A small amount of a nearly harmless common weed. Try those nazi pigs for premeditated murder. If a jury of their peers convicts them, and I hope they do, hang them at dawn in the public square. Then end this senseless war on freedom, er... some drugs.
# Claire Wolfe - When did politicians stop being real human beings? - Claire remembers when American presidents were actually real human beings instead of Robo-Presidents™ like Bushnev and Slick Willy. [claire]
# Thunder at WolfesBlog - "A little less talk" - and a lot more action. Some ideas for de-stressing and doing something about the ever-more-encroaching nanny state. [claire]
# Silver at WolfesBlog - Seven in the hat: Murdering an innocent Brazillian worked well in London, bring it to the USA! - The International Association of Chiefs of Police is encouraging U.S. cops to use the same murder tactics of the London cops. If somebody smells like a bomber to you, shoot him multiple times in the head. John M. Peters wrote about it at in Dressed to Kill. You can even download two "training keys", Suicide Bombers Part 1 and Suicide Bombers Part 2 (PDFs). Sounds like the police are working hard to make shooting it, if you can't escape unseen, the only rational behavior on encountering one of their kind. [claire]
# Downsize DC - Hold a grudge! Badger Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act - a one-day campaign urging Congress to repeal their tyrannical identification scheme.
Ian Adcock at European Car -
First Look: 2004 Bentley Continental GT - I saw one of these in
the parking lot of a local shopping mall. Nowhere on the car did it
say "Bentley" or "Continental", just the "B" inside the wings, which a
friend of mine guessed might stand for "Bentley". 500 horsepower V-12
engine. $167K for a new 2005 model. The author drove one from Malta to
Monte Carlo, 1,100 miles in two days, cruising at 140 to 155 mph, and
averaging over 100 mph for 10 hours on the first day.
If I've waited this long to drive the car, it seems a tad unfair to keep you in suspense of my verdict on Bentley's first all-new product in a nearly a generation.
It's not good.
In fact, the new Continental GT verges on the brilliant. In some quarters it is stupendous, but, thankfully, like a beautiful woman (I can't comment on the male of the species) who is made even more desirable because she is slightly flawed, so is the Continental GT.
The roads unfurled beneath the front wheels, plunging, sweeping, darting, dancing across the hills ,and all the time the speed just piled on. When the redline is eventually reached in second or third, there's a momentary drop in revs, a hesitation in the engine note like an athlete taking another breath, but no let-up in the acceleration, which is swift and merciless. Bentley quotes a 198-mph top speed and 4.7 sec. to 60 mph, but it is the mid-range performance that is so inspiring: 30 to 50 mph in 1.8 sec. and 50 to 70 mph in 3.2 sec. are impressive.