July 2005
Friday, 1 July: Smokers Liberation Front
- The Smokers Liberation Front
- Leonard Clark at Rense.com - No MAS
- Joe Galloway at Military.com - From Iraq, a Soldier/Father's Perspective on the War
- I started reading Butler Schaffer's Calculated Chaos
- Kim du Toit - The Fourth Of July, 2005
- GeekWithA.45 - An Open Letter...
- Cindy Sheehan at LewRockwell.com - Still Not Worth It
- Radley Balko For Independence Day, Supreme Court Slams Founders Gonzales v. Raich Kelo v. City of New London
- Chris Claypoole at The Libertarian Enterprise - EGO
- Robert R. Raymond - "Which Side is the Con On?"
- Thomas L. Knapp - That other war
- Tom Handel with John Steinberg at The Fireworks Foundation - Information Regarding the CPSC Action against Firefox
- Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com -
¡Viva Vicente Fox!
clownish performance
- From Calculated Chaos
- From Publicola
- rhjunior at LiVEJOURNAL - On this Fourth of July Weekend
- eclectech -
a tribute to charles clarke and his id cards
- David Codrea - Are you vermin?
- Kim du Toit - Comments on yesterdays post
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Lessons from the Kelo Decision
- John Perna at The Maryland Militia Yahoo Group - Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms this 4th of July
- We the People - U.S. Court Of Appeals Soundly Rejects IRS Plea To Soften Ruling In Schulz v IRS
- David Carr at Samizdata.net - Stewed prunes tonight. Your favourite
- I finished Butler Shaffer's Calculated Chaos Sunni blog comment
- Associated Press via at North Carolina News - Workers indicted for selling matches used in meth manufacture
- Associated Press at The Houston Chronicle - Houston swimmer's rescuer ends up in jail
- Ryan McMaken at LewRockwell.com American Foreign Policy Explained Wag the Dog
- wapsi square - July 5, 2005
- Henry Weinstein at The LA Times - U.S. Holds Filmmaker in Iraq
- Thom Hartmann at Common Dreams - Supreme Court - Media Ignore Possible "Fascist" Play
- Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones at Prison Planet - Veteran Radio Host Paul Harvey Triumphs Smallpox Blankets To Native Americans, Black Slavery
- Adam Wilk - Please Promise Me, Mr. President...
- Bill St. Clair at The Claire Files - Installing Mac GNU Privacy Guard Mac GNU Privacy Guard
- Say Uncle - The Other BAG Purchase posted
- Jeff Quinn at Gunblast - Sphinx 3000 .40 S&W Auto Pistol 2005 catalog products page Shinx Systems Ltd.
- Jim Lesczynski at The Village Choice - Closing the Door on Political Correctness
- Jim Lesczynski at New York City Indymedia - NO POKER, NO PEACE!
- Joel on Software - Project Aardvark Midterm Report www.copilot.com blog taking beta applications
- Steve Sack at Marc Brands Liberty - 9-11 Crutch
- I attended a concert last night given by HuDost Moksha Sommer JemalWade Hines Linda Worster Dan Walters George Tortorelli Alex Gray
- Claire Wolfe at S.W.A.T. Magazine - Criminals Have More Rights Than the Police (And Be Very Glad They Do)
- Fred Gardner at Counterpunch - Study: Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer
- Ricard Cowan at Marijuana News - More Stupid Prohibitionist Tricks: Orwell Died Before Cliff Kincaid Was Born, But He Knew Him All Too Well
- Kim du Toit - Moron of the Year
- Thilo Thielke and James Shikwati at Der Spiegel - "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"
- Fox News - U.S. Terror Attack -- " Ninety Days at Most "
- John Kaminski at The Truth Seeker - When the cops are the crooks
- Tom Bearden
- Robert Fisk at The Independent via Truthout - The Reality of This Barbaric Bombing
- Elaine Cassel at CityPages - Fenced Out of the Fourth of July
- Chris Floyd - Global Eye: Aa Aa Aa
- Russmo.com - Exit Strategy
- Sunni moved the Real ID Rebellion
- Ionatron - What is LIPC?
- Theodore Dalrymple at City Journal - The Frivolity of Evil
- Yonika Willis at The South Bend Tribune - Haunted by fatal encounter: Mishawaka man recalls night he killed intruder by Publicola Nicki Fellenzer contact form
- Joseph Farah at World Net Daily - Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.
- Arnold Kling at Tech Central Station - The Folk Song Army Sings Africa
- Jeff Danziger - Help is on the way!
- shevek at The Claire Files - Trespass here
- John C. Krull at Gun Week - DPMS Not Your Ordinary .308 DMPS AR-style .308
- Peter Graves - Armed Bear Common Lisp here
- Google Earth Google Earth Plus Google Earth Pro
- Peter Christensen at LewRockwell.com - Surgeon General's Warning: The State Is Hazardous to Your Health
- Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The US Supine Court
- Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - Rock 'n Roll ala Mode
- I'm downloading Fedora Core
- I test drove yesterday a Toyota Corolla Honda Civic
- I bought Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
- Patrick J. Buchanan at Creators Syndicate via The Militant Libertarian - Why Are They Killing Us? Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism
- Jay P Hailey at The Libertarian Enterprise - Because the Government is evil and stupid...
- Wayne LaPierre at NRA-ILA - City Council Drives Freedom and NRA Out of Columbus
- I got yesterday a new 2005 Honda Civic LX 4-door 5-speed sedan
- Valerie Strauss and Lori Aratani at The Washington Post -
Law Requires Lessons on Constitution
H.R. 4818
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - CAFTA and Dietary Supplements
- Oleg Volk at Live Journal - Why carry?
- Google Moon Google Maps
- The Conch Republic diplomatic passport
- Ron Paul in The U.S. House of Representatives via LewRockwell.com - Suicide Terrorism Dying To Win
- Timothy Williams and Sewell Chan at The New York Times -
In New Security Move, New York Police to Search Commuters' Bags
- I made a page of pictures of my 2005 Civic LX Sedan
- Bill of Rights Press The Black Arrow
- Jim Lesczynski at The Village Choice - Fourth Amendment R.I.P. Contact the Mayor page
- Joyce Lee Malcolm at Reason - Gun Control's Twisted Outcome
- Susan Jones at CNSNews.com via GOPUSA.com - House Renews Expiring Sections of USA PATRIOT Act voted renew
- Eric S. Raymond -
Gayness is hard, lesbianism soft
NYT article
- The Price of Liberty - "JUNE 23rd Movement" A Call To Action!
- J. H. Huebert at LewRockwell.com - Free-Market Justice Is in the Cards
- Charley Reese at LewRockwell.com - Should Your Personal Life Be an Affair of State?
- DraftResistance.org 7 reasons are not required kidnapping
- Perry de Havilland at Samizdata.net - The appropriate use of force
- Perry de Havilland at Samizdata.net - The appropriate use of force
- Associated Press via The First Amendment Center - Man awarded damages for arrest while videotaping troopers
- Jennifer D'Angelo at Fox News - 'Til Death Do Us Part' Is Dying Out
- "Dirtyharriet" at LibertyForum via Rense.com - US Military Ordered To Prepare Nuke Attack On Iran?
- Thomas L. Knapp at The Libertarian Enterprise - My Rebuttal to Chris Claypoole's Rebuttal of My Rebuttal of His Rebuttal of the LP'S "Exit Strategy For Iraq"
- Ron Beatty at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Dream
- Tactical Forums S.W.A.T. Magazine Forum - Please take out the trash! article S.W.A.T. Magazine
- Becky Akers at LewRockwell.com - Top Ten Reasons You Should Fear the Transit Searches in New York City
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - The Second Amendment is Alive and Well The Second Amendment is Already Dead
- Kim du Toit - Cartridge Call
- tetka.swf
- Fred on Evereything - Maribel Cuevas: A Great American
- Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - July 2005: High Summer
- Sun Ray Blog - The War on Terror: As viewed from the Bourne shell
- Associated Press - Woman Convicted of Grabbing Security Screener's Breasts in Response to Airport Body Search
- Stefan Korshak at moroting.co.za - A bribe too far! Ukraine scraps all traffic cops
- Cygnus Software - FetchBook.info shooting category forums Other Stuff
- Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue - Selling Out Our Country
- Andrew Orlowski at The Register - PGP inventor to debut VoIP crypto Shtoom
- snarfed.org - Privacy through Prepaid Credit Cards WebSecret WebSecret
- Google News - IRA Says Armed Campaign Over
- Matt Siegel at The Village Choice - There are No Terrorists, You Stupid Fuckers
- Becky Akers at LewRockwell.com - It's Still Martial Law Even If No One's Declared It Yet
- Beth Duff-Brown of AP via Information Week - Homeland Security To Launch RFID Systems At Border Crossings
- Jacob G. Hornberger at LewRockwell.com Bail, Fines, and Cruel and Unusual Punishments
- Fog Creek Software's Copilot Project Aardvark Midterm Report
- I was sick in bed yesterday, so I read the rest of Harry Potter, and The Half-Blood Prince
- Dave Kopel - Severus Snape: The Unlikely Hero of Harry Potter book 7 here
- Ian Scott - Have You Ever Thought About Dying?
- Sheldon Richman at Shore Mutterings - Conservatives, Guns, and Drugs