Bill of Rights Press
"War is delightful to those who have had not experience with it." -- Desiderius Erasmus
From The Federalist:
"An ambassador is a person who, having failed to secure an office from the people, is given one by the Administration on condition that he leave the country." -- Ambrose Bierceand:
"The big rumor is that Chief Justice William Rehnquist is going to resign from the Supreme Court this week. I'm not going to believe it until it's leaked to The New York Times by Karl Rove." -- Jay Leno
# I made a page of pictures of my 2005 Civic LX Sedan. About 300K bytes all-told.
# Bill of Rights Press was created by Jesse Herron and Linda Heuer in response to learning from L. Neil Smith "during a diner conversation" of the refusal of Laissez Faire Books to carry Vin Suprynowicz' The Black Arrow. They say that "the vast majority of our offerings are going to be from what the main-stream people call 'controversial subjects.'" Their prices are good. I count 176 titles in their catalog. They use PayPal to collect money. You can either use a PayPal account or Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express. [smith2004]
# Jim Lesczynski at The Village Choice - Fourth Amendment R.I.P. - scroll down to the "Rant of the Week". Commentary on the subway bag search in the Big Apple. [smith2004]
LPNY Vice Chair Blay Tarnoff puts it into even better perspective: "Iraq is under military rule. Anybody's bag, clothing, or body cavities can be searched at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Terrorist-style bombs are nevertheless going off every day, killing all sorts of people, including the most heavily armed and technologically advanced and highly trained soldiers in the world... Given all that, how intrusive will searches have to be to be effective in New York City? Take your time."I sent the following message via's Contact the Mayor page:
I have six words to say about your decision to search passengers traveling trains and busses in New York City:
Heil Bloomberg! Heil Kelly! Sieg Heil!
# Joyce Lee Malcolm at Reason - Gun Control's Twisted Outcome - on the rise in crime in merry olde England caused by disarming the honest folk, and declaring self-defense to be a crime. Written in 2002. Things have likely gotten worse since then. [scopeny]
The original common law standard was similar to what still prevails in the U.S. Americans are free to carry articles for their protection, and in 33 states law-abiding citizens may carry concealed guns. Americans may defend themselves with deadly force if they believe that an attacker is about to kill or seriously injure them, or to prevent a violent crime. Our courts are mindful that, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an upraised knife."
But English courts have interpreted the 1953 act strictly and zealously. Among articles found illegally carried with offensive intentions are a sandbag, a pickaxe handle, a stone, and a drum of pepper. "Any article is capable of being an offensive weapon," concede the authors of Smith and Hogan Criminal Law, a popular legal text, although they add that if the article is unlikely to cause an injury the onus of proving intent to do so would be "very heavy."
The 1967 act has not been helpful to those obliged to defend themselves either. Granville Williams points out: "For some reason that is not clear, the courts occasionally seem to regard the scandal of the killing of a robber as of greater moment than the safety of the robber's victim in respect of his person and property."
# Susan Jones at via - House Renews Expiring Sections of USA PATRIOT Act - the representatives-of-their-own-power in DC have voted to renew much of the U.S.A. T.R.A.I.T.O.R. Act. Oh joy. [scopeny]
# Eric S. Raymond - Gayness is hard, lesbianism soft - interesting. [esr]
Fascinating. This NYT articlebears out a suspicion I've held for a long time about the plasticity of sexual orientation. The crude one-sentence summary is that, if you go by physiological arousal reactions, male bisexuality doesn't exist, while female bisexuality is ubiquitous.
# The Price of Liberty - "JUNE 23rd Movement" A Call To Action! - written in response to Kelo v. New London. Includes the following sign to post on your property: "Caution. Private Property. Attempts to steal, or steal from, this property WILL be met with deadly force by the owner. (This includes YOU, Mr. Gov't official.)" [price]

# J. H. Huebert at - Free-Market Justice Is in the Cards - is the state necessary to protect consumers from fraud, or could the free market fill that bill? How the credit card system already does it, with rarely any need for gummint guns. [root]