January 2009
Thursday, 1 January
A Letter of Appreciation from the Black Legion (currently burning in Hell) Mike Vanderboegh Ban All Guns
Monday, 5 January
What Libertarians Believe L. Neil Smith and Rylla Cathryn Smith
Wednesday, 7 January
Obama Body Count
Get Your Hands Dirty! forum
Friday, 9 January
Saturday, 10 January
Mobigame Edge for iPhone
Mobigame Edge
Wingsuit Base Jumping This Vimeo video wingsuit base jumping Ali Vimeo
Sunday, 11 January
Police Reform L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise
This is no joke, and they've got to be saying "Oh, sh-t." Mike Vanderboegh
Monday, 12 January
Massachusetts gives us a sneak peek at universal health insurance Rick Moran at American Thinker Sagebrush Saloon topic
Rootless Root: The Unix Koans of Master Foo Eric S. Raymond
ArmaLite AR-180B Semi-Auto 5.56mm Rifle, Revisited Jeff Quinn at Gunblast lists the AR-180b Stormwekz
A cold spell soon to replace global warming Dr. Oleg Sorokhtin of the Oceanology Institute via RIA Novosti
Tuesday, 13 January
Wednesday, 14 January
Stimulating Our Way to Rock Bottom Ron Paul at LewRockwell.com
Ruger's Radical New Lightweight Compact Revolver .38 Special LCR Jeff Quinn at Gunblast Ruger's web site
Thursday, 15 January
Be seeing you, Patrick McGoohan Johnathan Pearce at Samizdata.net Google News articles The Prisoner YouTube videos ThePrisonerOnline.com McGoohan's IMDB page Secret Agent Man
Friday, 16 January
A magnificent bit of piloting Dale Amon at Samizdata here
The Library of the Pleiades The Library of the Pleiades Mission Statement
Saturday, 17 January
A creative idea for dispensing justice Craigslist via Alex via Mike Vanderboegh
Sunday, 18 January
Monday, 19 January
Tuesday, 20 January
More Twinkies for Obama TwinkiesForObama.com
Wednesday, 21 January
'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years Stephen Moore at The Wall Street Journal Atlas Shrugged
WhiteHouse.gov on Guns WhiteHouse.gov Urban Policy corresponding text on Change.gov
An Outbreak of Order in NYC Butler Shaffer at LewRockwell.com
Sunday, 25 January
One Hundred Heads Mike Vanderboegh
"Assault Weapons" Ban Push, Story 1 CNN
Dillon Aero M134 Gattling Gun Dillon Aero this YouTube video
The Revolution Was Garet Garrett at The Ludwig von Mises Institute
Monday, 26 January
US too delusional to fix Jim Davidson at GSC
For all you fellows up to no good, working hard in those garage machine shops (and I KNOW you're out there). Clell via Mike Vanderboegh
Tuesday, 27 January
Money and Our Future Lew Rockwell at lewrockwell.com
A Cinematic Preview of the Coming Excitement Western Rifle Shooters The Wind that Shakes the Barley on Netflix
Thursday, 29 January
LA Gun Rights Examiner John Longenecker news aggregator here goodforthecountry.com Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns
"Camps": We are not "good Germans." We will not acquiesce in our own enslavement. Mike Vanderboegh H.R. 645
Friday, 30 January