July 2008
Tuesday, 1 July
The Capsizing of American Democracy James Bovard
Heller Decision -- Deeper Analysis Alan Korwin, The Uninvited Ombudsman
Grand Theft Society Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com
A New Mossberg American Lever Gun L.F. Combs at Gunblast Mossberg 464 Lever-Action Rifle home page There's a New Lever Action in Town: Mossberg's 464
Clipperz: Anatomy of a zero-knowledge web application Clipperz JavaScript Crypto Library Clipperz Community Edition
Black-and-Tans Mike Vanderboegh at Western Rifle Shooters
Criminals for Gun Control Criminals for Gun Control CafePress shop
design document
the code
Thursday, 3 July
Believe Me, It's Torture Christopher Hitchens at Vanity Fair
Wednesday, 9 July
Want some torture with your peanuts? Jeffrey Denning at The Washington Times Promotional Video LamperdLessLethal.com remarking this news blurb
Roll Over, Bark, and Beg Fred Reed at LewRockwell.com recommendations Lake Chapala Society
Friday, 11 July
Interposition Mike Vanderboegh at Western Rifle Shooters David Codrea Absolved Sippenhaft Poor White Boys-Part One Poor White Boys-Part Two Black-and-Tans Improvised Munitions, Inc Interposition
Sunday, 13 July
Untitled Sequel To ROBERTA Part 1 Part 2. Adopted Daughters Part 1
Untitled Sequel to ROBERTA George Potter at The Mental Militia Forums here Part 1 2. Adopted Daughters
Monday, 14 July
InBev Bags Anheuser-Busch Jeremy Bogaisky at Forbes Inbev Anheuser-Busch
Tuesday, 15 July
All Hat and No Cattle Sara Robinson at Blog for Our Future
Montana Greens to Loggers: Come Back! Vin Suprynowicz at LewRockwell.com
Thursday, 17 July
Saturday, 19 July
Legalization in disguise Margaret Wente at The Globe and Mail Sick of watching people die We still await the scientific proof of harm reduction's success Europe's approach to drugs is more enlightened ... it's tougher Sick of Watching People Die
So What If Pot Can Cure Cancer; That's No Reason For You To Use It Paul Armentano at LewRockwell.com
Thursday, 24 July
This Is Your Country, Fighting the War on Drugs This is Your Brain on Drugs
Tuesday, 29 July