We Have Crossed the Rubicon

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:01:18 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Eric Peters at LewRockwell.com - good commentary on the military detention add-ons to the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act. The final bill was approved yesterday by the House, and it will almost certainly be approved today by the Senate and signed into infamy by Obamao very soon thereafter (he has withdrawn his threat to veto).

The National Defense Authorization Act will make it official. It will confer upon the executive branch and the military (increasingly, the same things) the permanent authority to snatch and grab any person, U.S. citizens included, whom it decrees to be a “terrorist” – as defined or not by the executive or the military - and imprison them, indefinitely, without formal charge, presentation of evidence or judicial proceeding of any kind. These “detainees” will have neither civilian rights in the civil court system, nor – crucially – even the minimal rights to due process and decent treatment conferred upon prisoners of war. (And we are allegedly “at war,” are we not?)


The Fuhrer (oops, President Obama) is about to sign this latter-day Enabling act and when he does, it will mark the moment that America’s coffin is nailed shut. The corpse has been on view since 9/11. But there was always some hope that, perhaps, it might be jolted back into life. Now we know the awful truth. Death is permanent.

And it’s coming for us.

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