Freedom Versus Order? Since When?!

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 15 Dec 2011 08:57:12 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Tony Pivetta at - Exceptional essay on the view of the freedom/order tradeoff from different political perspectives, complete with liberty-for-safety curve (LFSC) graphs (aka Pivetta Curves, or P-Curves). I, of course, am in the Rothbardian camp. You can never achieve perfect order/security, but less aggression ALWAYS means more order.

"If you want to stop crime in America, start in the White House and work your way down." -- Papa Slavo

"Liberty is the mother of order, not its daughter." -- Pierre Proudhon


So you’re willing to sacrifice liberty for safety? How’s that worked out for you so far? Sure, you’re less free. Are you safer? You mean you’re less free and less safe?! Funny how that works. When, by the way, was the last time somebody asked whether you were willing to give up liberty in return for safety? What’s that? Nobody asked?!

"Want peace? Work for justice." So the leftist mantra goes. To which the anarcho-capitalist counters, "Want justice? Work for property rights. You won’t have liberty, safety or justice without them."

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