Thoughts on Death and Saying Goodbye to a Best Friend

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:52:21 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

John Ross - first essay in a long time from Mr. Ross. Too bad it took terminal cancer in a good friend to ellicit it. But worth the read.

Susie sat on the couch. She had an eyepatch over her right eye, which I later learned was to prevent double vision and not to cover up an empty socket. On top of the pirate look, what once had been a magnificent mane of brown hair was now, post-chemo, half-inch grey stubble. On the trip over, I had prepared myself for what Susie might look like. I had been prepared for her to ask me "How do I look?" and I had been prepared to answer "Like horsefuck," but there she sat on the couch, hitting me with that thousand-watt, toothpaste-ad smile I hadn't seen for so long, and all I could think was Man, I hope I look this good when I'm dying. There wasn't a single wrinkle anywhere on her face.

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