The State in the Dock

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 26 May 2006 09:22:41 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Lew Rockwell at - Sadam Hussein deserves to be on trial for his crimes. But so does George Bush, and every other leader of state. State workers commit crimes every day. Theft, assault & kidnapping, and mass murder, conveniently renamed taxation, arrest, and war, are their stock in trade. [lew]

If I lived in Iraq right now, I might find myself disgusted at the scene playing out at the Saddam trial. Even if I hated Saddam, I could look out the window and see the explosions, bloodshed, poverty, innocent dead, and blown-up buildings, and note that US tanks are the ones patrolling and shooting and enforcing the chaos. I might further note that the current local government was put there by the conquerors.

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