The Evil War on Drugs

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 17:59:18 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Anthony Gregory at - let's call a spade a spade. The war on some drugs is evil. Everyone who has anything to do with it, from the legislators who criminalize drugs to the cops who arrest people, to the judges who don't laugh the cases out of court to the jailors who keep them in prison is evil, is responsible for kidnapping, should be executed (though Mr. Gregory doesn't go that far). [rrnd]

The drug war is misdirected. It is foolish. It is stupid, unworkable, disastrous, tragic and sad. But beyond all that it is evil.

The drug war is grounded in an evil premise: that people do not own their bodies, that they have no right to control what they do with their own lives and their own property, that it is appropriate to lock them in cages if they produce, distribute or consume chemicals in defiance of the state.

This is a monstrosity. As long as America has the drug war, it is not a free country. Politicians who support it and expand it, knowing the evils it entails, have no business lecturing us on morality.

The ideology of the war on drugs is the ideology of totalitarianism, of communism, of fascism and of slavery. In practice, it has made an utter mockery of the rule of law and the often-spouted idea that America is the freest country on earth. The United States has one of the highest per capita prison populations in the world, second only to Rwanda, thanks largely to the drug war, all while its federal government imposes its drug policies on other countries by methods ranging from mere diplomatic bullying to spraying foreign crops with lethal poison, from bribing foreign heads of state to bankrolling and whitewashing acts of mass murder conducted by despots in the name of fighting drugs.

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