Secret NSA surveillance and the case of Sherman Austin

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 16:27:11 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Sherman Austin via akwala at Raise the Fist! - The story of the surveillance, harrassment, arrest, conviction (for linking to bomb-making instructions), and continued post-release harrassment of the creator of Raise the Fist! I doubt I'd have his patience. One of those f.b.i. agents would die at my hand one day. And bloody good riddance. [paladin]

Bush, Cheney, the NSA, FBI , etc. They're all trying to justify their domestic spying program saying it was necessary to stop terrorists attacks in the U.S. Let's not forgot about the countless people who "look Muslim" or "look middle-eastern" or "look Arab" who were detained and held for months with absolutely no charges. Taken from their homes and their families and eventually deported. Let's stop looking at how the "war on terrorism" targeted political dissent for one minute and look how it was targeted against your average citizen simply because of the way he or she looks. Let's stop looking at the police repression used against anti-war marches for a minute and look at how people who never attended a single protest or demonstration in their life suddenly ended up in a 24-hour lockdown maximum security federal prison cell. This is national security. It has nothing to do with stopping "terrorism." Some say we're moving closer and closer to a police state. The fact of the matter is we've already been in a police state. And it's just advanced to the next level. What are we going to do about it? Continue to vote? Continue to pay the price? Will we continue to participate in this political circus of democrats and republicans which is nothing more than a tool to keep the people demobilized and distracted from building a revolutionary movement? Are we going to wait until the next presidential selection only to be bamboozled again, and again, and again? Or are we going to finally realize that we will only get what we are organized to take.

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