
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:55:34 GMT  <== Quote ==> 

From here:

"Remember: Evil exists because good men don't kill the government officials committing it." -- Kurt Hoffman

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Human Rights

Submitted by feralfae on Sat, 27 Apr 2013 14:49:35 GMT

Dear Bill,
Spot on!
The right to defend my life is a human right.
The only debate about human rights is perhaps what are human rights. By the nature of human rights, each human has these rights equally.
We each of us, every human individual, has the right to defend their life. The Bill of Rights was meant to articulate, protect, and codify rights we have as humans, and to keep any form of government from usurping those rights. The Founders had just been through having the British troops trying to confiscate their rifles, after all. They knew whereof they wrote, as they penned a few of those human rights as being under protection in the contract we call the Constitution.
The message was "hands off!"

Yes, there is no debate with statists.


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