"LGBTQ, whatever, when the devil is the room, EVERYBODY pays attention." -- Bill St. Clair
"If the 'From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs' galoshes fit, then it doesn't really matter what specific grabboids call themselves. They all want to kill you, and cook you, and eat you -- and that is the truth along every last inch of the spectrum from Joseph Stalin to Hillary Clinton. I'm tired of seeing Bernie Sanders regarded as cute. He is about as cute as Dr. Josef Mengele." -- L. Neil Smith
"Old age rocks! Preparing for the ride of my life (death), while having a great time as a wise child while I'm still here." -- Bill St. Clair
"What causes #poverty? Nothing. It's the original state, the default and starting point. The real question is, What causes #prosperity?" -- Per Bylund
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of wifi." -- Bill St. Clair
You have to be a real nasty piece of shit to be rooting for ANYBODY to "win" a war. Nobody wins a war. One side gets tired of their young men dying, and gives up. Young men die on both sides, horribly.
Read Mark Twain's "The War Prayer"
-Bill St. Clair
"I've decided to do my best to revert to my old way of talking, Before the woke virus infected language. That means heandshe are the only singular personal pronouns, and they match the apparent sex of the subject. If she don' like it, fuck 'er." -- Bill St. Clair
"There is indeed a climate emergency, but it has nothing to do with the weather. It is a climate of fear, pushed by lizards, who will tell any lie to establish their communist dystopia. I like lizards; they taste like chicken." -- Bill St. Clair
"The kingdom of heaven is built with love, one small loving act at a time." -- Bill St. Clair
"The US House of Representatives was intended to be a two-week-a-year job. If the feds had as much power as they should, that's all the time it would take. Sickness, births, weddings, & funerals are hugely more important than anything Congress does." -- Bill St. Clair