A Letter to the Norwegian Government following the Oslo Terrorist Attacks

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 23:25:06 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Richard Jackson Terrorism Blog - substitute "Muslim" for "Right-wing Christian" in this screed and you get exactly what the United States and much of the western world did in response to the 9/11 atrocities. Satire, but so well disguised that many will take it seriously. I laughed out loud. [g+]

Dear Prime Minister Stoltenberg,

I heard your press conference and I can appreciate that you want to react cautiously to the latest terrorist outrage by Christian fundamentalists. I respect that you do not want to compromise your country’s values and way of life. It is admirable that you want to treat this horrible act as a crime, and try as best as you can to maintain an open, free society. And I understand that you do not want to spread unnecessary alarm among your citizens.

However, my concern is that you do not recognize the supreme danger you – and indeed, the whole world – are now facing. Right-wing Christian fundamentalists have declared war on your society, your entire way of life. Their intentions, and the capability they have shown in this attack, clearly demonstrate that they seriously threaten your very democracy, perhaps even civilization itself. In other words, there is no doubt that they pose a clear and present danger, a supreme emergency to the state, to which the only reasonable response is a total war on their evil ideology. You must prepare yourself for a long, difficult struggle, a struggle which will not end until every single right wing extremist, all the evildoers who hate your society and its values, have been killed or captured. It will not be easy, and you must be prepared to make real sacrifices in lives and resources to achieve this victory.

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Comments (3):

Not even close...

Submitted by Dedicated_Dad on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 06:32:23 GMT

I posted the following comment at the linked site:

"I am against our current wars - let me make that clear at the start.

Unlike "mfr214" however, I also "get" the sarcasm involved.

I MUST disagree with your apparent equivocation of "RWCF" to "Islamic Extremism."

First, as all know, mainstream Christianity does not support this sort of action, and it will be met with nothing but sadness and derision by a statistical totality of Christians worldwide - and those deranged few aren't likely to crawl out from under their rock and draw attention to themselves.

If it had been the act of a musloid "jihadi" it would have been met with MASSIVE celebration in the streets by musloids all over the ME, and smaller demonstrations worldwide - even in so-called "Western Democracies."

I could go on toasting this straw-man, but it would be a waste of time.

The bottom line fact is that mass-murder of civilians is considered by nearly all Christians to be a mortal sin, whereas most musloids would consider it to be a guaranteed E-ticket ride to Paradise!

In sum, the REAL "extremist" musloids are the ones we commonly call "moderates" - they're certainly in the overwhelming minority among their fellow "believers."

This comparison isn't "apples and oranges" - it's "apples and armadillos"..."

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You are so filled with

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 07:24:58 GMT

You are so filled with hate of Muslims that I almost didn't allow your post (my web site, my rules). But I can use you as an example. There are a billion peaceful Muslims in the world, and a few thousand crazies. Blind Muslim haters like you probably outnumber them.

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Re: "There are a billion

Submitted by Winged Hussar 1683 on Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:13:29 GMT

Re: "There are a billion peaceful Muslims in the world, and a few thousand crazies."

It should indeed be pointed out that, spectacular examples like 9/11 to the contrary, most victims of militant "Islamic" violence are Muslims--e.g. women who are stoned to death, or people whose mosques are blown up because the are the wrong "kinds" of mosques.

The truth is however that no Jew or Christian celebrated the actions of deranged lone actors like Timothy McVeigh or (allegedly until proven guilty) Jared Lee Loughner or Brevik. Many Muslim societies do celebrate acts of terroristic violence like 9/11, and participate in stonings of women. This cannot be excused, overlooked, or ignored even though we must acknowledge that many Muslims, and most Muslims in the U.S., do not behave in this manner.

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