Where's My Contract?

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 12:19:32 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Paul Bonneau at Strike the Root - Many people, when asked where the state gets its authority, mention a mythical beast called the "Social Contract". Mr. Bonneau has lost his copy and has asked his congress critters to either supply it or negotiate a new one.

Of course, it must bear my signature. There is no such thing as a contract that was not voluntarily entered into, and the signature is the proof of that. Non-existence of a signed contract constitutes proof that the entire US Code, and all actions of Congress, are null and void.
In case you are thinking my ancestors somehow bound me to a Social Contract, I have seen no evidence of that; but if you can find it, including their signature, I would appreciate seeing it. There would still of course remain the little issue of whether people can forever bind their unborn descendants, but we can address that later.

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