New Blogging Technology Coming

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:50:26 GMT  <== Lisplog ==> 

Goodbye Drupal. Hello Lisplog. I've gotten tired of waiting for Drupal. I suppose I could upgrade, and maybe get better performance, but I've decided to roll my own again, as I did with BlogMax before I switched to Drupal. I'm writing, in Lisp, of course, a template system and editor that will allow me to use my existing Drupal data to generate a blindingly fast static site, and change, and accept comments right on the site. I'll lose some of the flexibility of Drupal's active content generation, and pay in additional disk space, but I'll get speed, and ease of moving the content around. And I'm having a blast writing the code!

I'm going to preserve all the main content URLs, so Google will remain accurate. You'll see the appearance change a little, moving to a two-column layout and ditching the left-column banners, and the performance go way up.

You can see my bare beginnings at Many links don't work yet, and there's no way to navigate, but that will come soon. I invite your comments about the new style. I'm no graphic designer, so I can benefit from those who are.

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Comments (3):

Whole site rendereed

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:17:03 GMT

Well, I've gotten far enough to render the whole site. Still some stuff to fix, but not long before I move on to the active server, and not long after that until I switch to Lisplog and toss Drupal.

For navigation, I have month and year links in the left column. Clicking through the year pages is a real fast way to see the whole site, all ten years of it.

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!!! Nice to see DIY coding--

Submitted by Junker on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 23:12:21 GMT


Nice to see DIY coding-- that was always
the way-- the way to get it right!


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Lisp again? Nerd. :P

Submitted by Jac on Fri, 27 May 2011 13:57:59 GMT

Lisp again? Nerd. :P

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