A Look at GNOME 2.14
ScuttleMonkey at Slashdot - the Gnome 2.14 preview page is seriously Slashdotted as I write this, so I haven't looked at it yet, but this post will remind me to check it out tonight. I've always liked Gnome better than KDE appearance-wise. I didn't use it many years ago when it was new, because it crashed so often. But that is no longer a problem. Ubuntu makes very good use of it. [slashdot]
I found this comment, obviously from a KDE user, most entertaining:
by 47F0 (523453) on Monday February 20, @04:53PM (#14763542)
Gnope. Gnot doing it. Gnot today, Gnot tomorrow.
Kall me krazy, or just konfused, but I kan't konceive klicking to another desktop. Kount me out.