The Bear That's There

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 22:43:20 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Jack Duggan at The Libertarian Enterprise - a good summary of the crime of the millenium, the demolition of the World Trade Center and subsequent destruction of civil rights in the name of the war on "tare". [tle]

If there was, the whole nation would be told to take up arms. Everybody would be armed, even on aircraft. Inexpensive AK47's would be stored in every closet, much like arms are stored in homes all over Switzerland because the Swiss government has nothing to fear from its populace. There is only a war against our freedom in the name of a created threat that doesn't exist. We have been duped into surrendering our liberty in the false name of security by a government that sends us out into the "War On Terror" unarmed because we cannot be trusted with guns. The most basic of all rights is the right of self defense against criminal attacks. A great equalizer between the weak and the strong, guns in the hands of women could reduce assaults upon them by stronger male attackers by 80%. How can it be said that women have equal rights if they cannot carry, yet Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush all hide behind guns for their protection because they're much more important than our wives, sisters and daughters? Again, the only 'war' is on our freedoms.

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