Time for a Boynout

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 19:37:43 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - compares Hillary Clinton and her competitor for U.S. senator from New York, and reminds us that there isn't any noticeable difference between their two branches of the Boot on Your Neck Party. Proposes the creation of an "Impeachment Party", whose job will be to impeach any politician who violates the Bill of Rights and prevents the passing of any new "laws" for a century. [tle]

Why can't she and Spencer get together? They represent exactly the same interests and they propose policies that are indistinguishable. As my regular readers know, as far as I'm concerned, they represent two not-terribly-different wings of exactly the same political party: the Boot on Your Neck Party. If it isn't George Bush with his boot on your neck after 2008--if George isn't there any more to steal half of everything you make, and enslave your kids for military and other purposes, and dog your steps, and lowjack your phone, and read your mail, and ransack your medical records, and censor your radio and television, and search your home, and probe your bunghole--it'll be Hillary.

Or somebody just like her.

Neither of these phony antagonists will offer not to do any of those evil things. Instead, they're competing on the basis of who can deprive us all of more of our rights faster. Standing on the shoulders of would-be tyrants like Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, and Johnson, Bill Clinton did his damnedable best to make the state stronger and more unaccountable to the people. George Bush stands on Clinton's shoulders today.

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