Mass-Printed Plastic Electronics
# Marc Emery and Jodie Giesz-Ramsay at Cannabis Culture - Tommy Chong: We Meet Again - An account of Marc Emery meeting Tommy Chong and his wife Shelby after the International Film Festival screening of A/K/A Tommy Chong. [cannabisculture]
Tommy Chong's personal experience was both ridiculous and terrifying at once, and it made me happy to know he survived his time in prison. However, it also reminds me that in our own case, if Marc goes to jail, he won't be coming home once his sentence is complete.
We cannot let that happen.
# Jodie Giesz-Ramsay at Cannabis Culture - What you can buy to help the BC3 - some purchases that will help Marc Emery, Greg Williams, and Michelle Rainey-Fenkarek with their fight against extradition to the United States for selling seeds. "No Extradition" T-shirts, "Legalize" wrist-bands, gourd bongs and art, hemp plastics. [cannabisculture]
# G. Monty at Liberation Matrix - Martial Law stops at the NH border: An SOF soldier visits the Free State Project - Mr. Monty attended an FSP barbecue in New Hampshire in early August. He asked people there how they thought NH would respond to a martial law declaration by the feds. They responded unanimously that, "New Hampshire will tell the Federal Government to go pound sand." Mr. Monty intends to move to NH soon. He's been working for the gummint in Washington, DC, which, by his account, is now a full-blown police state. Sounds like his experiece is limited, however, as he characterizes everywhere outside of New Hampshire as police state. This was also printed in this week's Libertarian Enterprise, but their web site is down at present. [tle]
Free Market News Network -
United Nations Drafts New Gun Treaty - the commU.N.ists are still
trying to disarm us peasants. Bush'es U.N. diplomat, John Bolton,
defended us well: "The United States will not join consensus on a
final document that contains measures contrary to our constitutional
right to keep and bear arms." David Codrea commented with somewhat,
er, stronger language: [codrea]
LaPierre makes great noises about the U.N. threat to scare the membership into further donations. A real gun rights leader would fold up the NRA's NGO and lead his millions of members under the unified compact of "Molon Labe." It's time we razed the U.N. building, pulled down their obscene twisted gun barrel sculpture (and melted it into something useful--like personal defensive arms) and pried off all those "World Heritage Site" placards desecrating revered locales like Independence Hall.
# Garry Reed, the Loose Cannon Libertarian - Beating the PC Name Game - a bunch of political correctness nannies are complaining these days about schools who use American Indian names for their sports teams. Mr. Reed has an idea to educate them either out of that practice or into a true reflection of American Indian culture.
The Political Correctness crazies are slinging their PC feces again. The National Collegiate Athletic Association has branded as "hostile" and "abusive" any school that sports an American Indian nickname.
Surveys supposedly show that most tribal types detest Indian mascots and monikers, although many don't complain because, to their credit, they don't like being complainers. Not so with organizations run by people who make their living as professional complainers. (Such as the NCAA?) By self-proclaiming the PC position as morally superior, all opposing opinions, including sanity, are automatically wrong.
But there is a way out of this perpetual PC idiocy. Quoting libertarian science fiction writer L. Neil Smith, "If you can, within principle, take over and adopt whatever name your enemy calls you, do so. It shuts them up very handily."
# gizmag - Breakthrough in printed electronics - volume-printed electronic circuits were demonstrated at the recent Plastic Electronics trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany. It doesn't make circuits with features nearly as small as the chips in your computer, but they'll be dirt cheap. [smith2004]
The circuits were printed at a printing speed of up to 0.8 metres per second which although slow for printing, is a new dimension of production speed for electronics. Millionfold print runs will become possible. The polymer printing method is based on especially developed printing methods i.e. polymer molecules that are either conductive, semiconductive or isolating are accurately printed in ultrathin layers, one above the other. These polymers can be processed similar to ink. Compared to traditional printing, however, the demands on precision as well as on the chemical characteristics of the printing inks are considerably higher. A single mistake in printing will immediately lead to malfunctions of the printed circuit.