Corrupt "Customs, Practices, and Usages"

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:00:00 GMT
Charley Reese - Improbable And Likely - After knocking down the medicare prescription drug benefit (yay), Mr. Reese proposes fully-socialized medicine. Shame, shame, shame.
I never thought I'd say this, but what Congress should do is go whole-hog and provide health care for the entire population and tax people to pay for it. Then the government would be in a position to drive hard bargains with hospitals, pharmaceuticals and doctors. The system we have now has the worst features of both systems -- government bureaucracy and profiteering in the private sector. It is ridiculous that Americans must pay more for health care than anybody else in the industrial world.

I finished last night the posted excerpts from Enemies Foreign and Domestic and sent a check to Matthew Bracken for a copy of the finished product. Glorious! The author has joined many Americans in blaming all of Islam for the actions of a few extremists (and in believing that Islamic extremists actually had anything to do with the 9/11 atrocities), but that's a very small part of the story so far.

Sherman H. Skolnick at - The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 36: The Judges and the Shadow Government - how corrupt "customs, practices, and usages" of the courts have created a rule of America by judges. [grabbe]

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