Airgun Express
Our country was colonized by the religious, political, economic, and criminal rejects of every country in the world. We have been carefully breeding insane, obsessive, fanatic lunatics with each other for over 400 years, resulting in the glorious strain of humanity known as "Americans". You have to expect some... peculiarities.
Airgun Express sells a large selection of pellet guns and accessories and a small selection of soft air guns and accessories. Low prices. Cheaper Than Dirt also has an airgun section, though they don't have as many choices, and they charge more. This is the next step up from soft air guns, .177 caliber pellets. Rifles fire them at up to 1200 fps, pistols at up to 500 fps. They are powered by hand-cocked springs or pneumatics or by CO2 cartridges. I reached these via an ad in the new American Rifleman for the Gamo PT-80 Laser, a nice-looking replica CO2-powered 8-shot pistol. The Gamo web site is a beautifully done all-Flash site. It worked quite well for me over a modem. If they take as much care with their air guns as they did with their web site, these will be fine guns. Unfortunately, the site wouldn't work for me in Opera. I had to use Internet Explorer.

Jennifer Kahn at Wired - The End of Cancer (As we Know it) - finally some fruit from genomics, very tasty fruit. [smith2004]
It turns out that Druker is the closest thing cancer research has to a hero. A few years ago, he tested half a dozen compounds on leukemia cells grown in a petri dish. One in particular caught his eye. Known only by the license plate-like tag ST1571, it demonstrated the unprecedented ability to kill cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells untouched. The pharmaceutical giant Novartis owned rights to ST1571, and Druker urged the company to develop the drug. But the potential market was small, about 5,000 leukemia patients annually, and the company dawdled for five years before agreeing to conduct a small Phase I trial.
The FDA's Phase I process is intended to test new drugs for their tolerance limit, the point at which toxic side effects occur. The ST1571 study quickly took off in a different direction. "It was like nothing I've ever seen," says Charles Sawyers, one of the doctors who oversaw the research with Druker. "Patients who were literally at death's door got out of bed and started walking around." Within a month of being given the drug, 53 of the original 54 patients had recovered. One ailing TV executive was back at work in two weeks. Side effects were trivial: A few patients got a rash, a few others felt nauseous.
Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The Playboy School of Economics - what'll they think of next? Hehe.
The research methodology involved correlating Playmates of the Year (known as PMOYs to aficionados and porn sites alike) from 1960 through 2000 to the social and economic conditions of each year. Just to flesh out this concept, so to speak, our intrepid investigators note that the boom years of the '60s produced both the youngest PMOY (18-year-old Donna Michelle, 1964) and the daintiest bi-fold babe (102-pound June Cochran, 1963). But 1993, one of the worst years on record for such economic and social indicators as unemployment, marriage and homicide rates, resulted in Anna Nicole Smith, the "fullest-figured" PMOY ever.
(After conducting my own research involving detached, objective field observations of her TV show, I've concluded that Ms Smith herself has undergone a lengthy period of severe inflation.)
Ginger Berlin at Westchester Wire -
Court Is Dismissed! - June Maxam has been sending letters to
county clerks and discovering that many judges and sheriffs never
satisfied the legal requirements for assuming their office.
[21 March, 2004: Ms. Maxam informed me that, shortly after this article
was published, she severed all ties with
NYJAIL4Judges. You can read more up-to-date information about the
New York State Oath of Office Project at the website of the
New York Tyranny Response Team or the
North Country Gazette.]
NYJAIL4Judges is investigating Westchester County and the rest of the state's 9th Judicial District as part of their Oaths of Office Project being spearheaded by associate JAILer-In-Chief June Maxam of Chestertown, Warren County. What thus far has been exposed through this project is that these justices in the town and village courts, including some county judges and many county sheriffs are acting unlawfully themselves in having failed to take and file both their oaths of office and surety bonds with the clerk of their county. This is a two-fold problem: failure to take and file the oath is in essence a failure to acknowledge that one will abide by their promise to be responsible to and for the people and surety bonds is the insurance required should one not perform their duties. So important are these two facets of our system of justice, that it is written into law in order to protect the people.
Maxam has informed me that, "State law is very emphatic that public officers which include all town and village justices, city court judges and county judges must file their oaths of office and their surety bonds with the county clerk within 30 days of the commencement of their term or they have vacated their office." No hearing is required, no judicial proceeding is necessary; the office is automatically vacant due to the officer's neglect or refusal to file. No excuses are accepted--no oath, no office." Twelve of the eighteen counties in the 3rd and 4th judicial districts are violating state law. Either they are extremely ignorant or arrogant in their non-compliance. What ever their reasoning, the fact remains those left to faithfully execute the duties of their office have in fact abandoned their responsibilities to we the people and have gladly accepted our money to do so. It would appear that receiving their pay check is fraud.
Previous Posts:
Enemies Foreign and Domestic
"Magic Eye" to Watch the English
Soft Air Guns and "Political Carry"
No Time for News Today
"Shot Heard Round the World" Shootoff
The Children Have Spoken
My Police State, Right or Wrong!
Government Information Awareness
Capitalism, Liberty, and Ingenuity