"Shot Heard Round the World" Shootoff
"How many rock stars does it take to screw in a light bulb? One. I hold the bulb and wait for the world to turn around me." -- David Lee Roth
From brad:
"Some men learn by reading, others by observation, and the majority by peeing on an electric fence." -- Will Rogers
John de Rosier at The Albany (NY) Times Union - Twister Africa - cartoon commentary on the folly of attempting to quell civil wars in the dark continent.
William Lind at The Free Congress Foundation - Americans for Obesity - fighting back against the newest cash cow of the ambulance chasers. Hehe. [muth]
The Free Congress Foundation in Washington, D.C., a leading conservative think tank, today announced the formation of a new policy center, "Americans for Obesity." The Foundation's president, the ample Paul M. Weyrich, stated that the new center's purpose will be to "allow Americans to stuff themselves till they burst, whether the government and the trial lawyers like it or not."
Americans for Obesity's new offices will be equipped with double-wide doorways, sturdy chairs and its own, private Krispy Kreme store. "We think the latter is a first for an think tank," Mr. Weyrich said. And if the trial lawyers come after Americans for Obesity? "We'll just sit on 'em," Weyrich answered.
Jim Peron at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - They Eat Their Young: Abuse Sniffers and the War on Children - the invented sexual abuse rituals of the seventies and eighties have turned into accusations against children of sexual abuse in the nineties. A reminder that the only sane response to a Child "Protective" Services person accusing you of something untrue is to shoot them dead. [grabbe]
What was forgotten is that the hysteria impacted real families. Real children were hurt, not by the mainly mythological Satanic abusers, but by the abuse sniffers who would save the children. But to raise this point and to question the hysteria immediately makes one suspect. The angry ideological feminist (is there any other kind?) screams: "You're downplaying the real pain of abused children."
Of course one isn't. They assume, and often charge, that to question the hysteria is to claim that no sexual abuse ever takes place. Absurd. To find individuals falsely accused of murder is not to say that murder never takes place. To say that the war on drugs is worse than the drugs themselves is not to say that people should rush out and take illegal drugs.
But Levine points out the decision to brand children as sexual deviant was done without any understanding of what child sexuality is like. Studies are forbidden. Any attempt to actually determine what is the norm would be roundly condemned by the abuse sniffer coalition. Levine says: "In spite of a paucity of empirical data, we know that masturbation is ubiquitous from early on, more noticeably among little boys than little girls. So is 'playing doctor,' inserting fingers into orifices, and other such past times. In the so-called latency years, from about seven to eleven, children continue to masturbate, touch each other, and have crushes on their classmates and friends."
U.N. Watch - 2003 "Shot Heard Round the World" Shootoff - Download your target, a U.N. helmet or map symbol, shoot it full of holes, hang it in a prominent place in your house & educate your family, send in your story, write your representatives, get your free certificate. They hope to have a real tournament next year. [scopeny]

Kim du Toit - Volunteers - Kim is collecting the names and phone numbers of people who offer to volunteer to teach newbies how to shoot. I volunteered for the Albany, NY area. If you live near Albany, and want to learn to shoot, drop me a line (email address at the bottom of the page), and we can arrange for a session at the range I use in Nassau (20 miles east of Albany).
Sheriff Mike Cook at Sierra Times - Defend Your Life, Go To Jail? - some commentary on the Sunday, June 29, 2003 Doonesbury comic strip (not the 28th as Mr. Cook says in the article). Why gun laws are useless unless your purpose is to take away the people's liberty. [sierra]
Just take the time to look at what is going on in England right now. They took the weapons away from the people and now the crime rate has gone up. What amazes me is that the majority of the people actually gave up their weapons! Brother, was that dumb. I'm not talking about small time crime, I'm talking about murder, robbery, and rape. Then, when an honest citizen who still hadn't given up his right to defend himself and his family did that by shooting and intruder in his home, they put him in jail. What's wrong with that picture. God gave us the right to defend ourselves against those who would harm us and others. Now they put you in jail for it. The day that happens in America I think I will be joining the ranks of a majority of you who will suddenly become criminals.
Jeff Quinn at GunBlast - The AR-15 Carbine - Mr. Quinn fires six short-barrelled AR-15 rifles from four manufacturers. As usual, he has no discouraging words to say about any of them. Unlike madogre, Mr. Quinn likes Mr. Stoner'r rifle, in the .223 varmint caliber. I'll have to admit that I like shooting it, but I'd rather use .308 or .444 Marlin for self defense. Hit a man with one of those and he goes down and doesn't get back up.
Unlike the article on the heavy-barreled ARs that are perfect for long range varmint hunting and precision target shooting, this article will deal with the AR-15 carbine: a weapon that has few rivals as an all-around rifle for self defense when the fertilizer hits the fan. The carbines are handy, easy to shoot well, accurate, and very reliable. They use surplus military thirty-round magazines and plentiful 5.56mm ammunition, along with any commercial .223 ammo. The guns are very simple to strip for cleaning, and require very little maintenance to keep them up and running. Also, the market is filled with parts and accessories to modify your AR to suit your particular preferences.
hgic at Geeks with Guns - Free Download: FMS Flight Simulator - not a great sim, but it seems to work and has lots of different planes. About 6 megs to download. Works on PC only. [geeks]