
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 02 Jul 2003 12:00:00 GMT
John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons - Human Shields - Cartoon commentary on the human shields in Iraq. Hehe.

Xeni Jardin at Wired - Bloggers Gain Libel Protection - The infamous ninth circuit court has ruled that "Web loggers, website operators and e-mail list editors can't be held responsible for libel for information they republish, extending crucial First Amendment protections to do-it-yourself online publishers." [grabbe]

Edgar J. Steele - In Defense of Racism: Part 1 - Overview - first of a planned six part series. How race is more than just skin color, in Mr. Steele's opinion. Personally, I see marked differences in the behavior of different races. Whether this is due to nature or nurture, or a combination of the two, I don't know. But vive la difference!

A popular current myth is that there is no intellectual difference between races, despite contrary results derived in virtually every study of intellect ever done by anybody. This myth also flies in the face of the personal experience of nearly every human being alive.

If one can inherit a superior muscle structure, as can readily be confirmed by the barest of glances at the racial makeup of pro sports rosters, then why is it such a stretch for so many to believe that superior intellect is genetically encoded, as well? Because those same myth purveyors believe that superior intellect makes for superiority, period, that's why. The good news is that they are wrong about the superiority thing. The bad news is that they are wrong about the lack of racial intellectual differences. The worse news is that they are in charge.

Mary Lou Seymour at Rational Review - Liberty Action of the Week: July 1, 2003: Don't just mourn, organize! - some ideas for celebrating Independence Day, this coming Friday. [smith2004]

Bill Walker at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Arm the Chicks - to reduce violence we've got basically two options: kill all the carriers of the violence gene, i.e. all the bearers of the Y chromosome, men, or arm the women. For some reason I prefer the second alternative. [grabbe]

Russell Madden at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Anti-Privacy Privacy - Mr. Madden read the new "privacy policy" when he went to take his annual eye exam and discovered that thanks to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, "privacy" has been completely redefined to mean anti-privacy. [grabbe]

As for any "ownership" you supposedly have to your medical information, the UIHC tells me that they are not "legally required to accept" any request for restrictions on that information. Beyond that, I "may not limit the uses and disclosures that [they] are legally required or allowed to make."

"Ownership" without control. The hallmark of a fascist society. The trademark of our own.

The strategy is always the same: enact good or at least good-sounding policies then bury the destructive time bomb that is the actual rationale for the sham deep beneath the pleasant exterior.

Privacy laws that are anti-privacy. Keep out the coyotes while letting in the lions.

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