One Handgun Can Defeat an Army

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:00:00 GMT
From News with Views:
"Law, once a shield of the innocent, is now a weapon in the hands of government." -- Paul Craig Roberts

From Chuck Muth's News & Views:

"The flag-burning amendment is a distraction by congressmen and senators who, on a daily basis, dishonor their pledge to defend the Constitution. I'm more concerned about protecting the Constitution from them than I am about protecting the flag from a few pyromaniacs." -- Michael Morris

Theodore Gray at Popular Science - Microcrystaline in 30 seconds - liquid nitrogen ice cream. Complete with step-by-step pictures. Yum! [brad]


[1] Besides the liquid nitrogen, no special ingredients were used in this experiment. [2] The non-cryogenic ingredients were combined in a mixing bowl. [3] The nitrogen was added a cup at a time. Note the use of heavy cryo gloves--this was not an occasion for oven mitts. [4] The concoction was stirred thoroughly and continuously to keep an unbreakable crust from forming. [5] The ice cream was ready to eat when smooth and free of lumps.

Jesse Ogden at Strike the Root - The Wizard of Neocon - hehe. [root]

The five weary travelers cowered at the sight of the giant flaming head of Irving Kristol, a sight that one should truly be scared of. The heroes had traveled a perilous road through the land of Neocon thanks to the constant efforts of the Wicked Witch of Common Sense to slow down the five. But they had made it, all the way to the Wizard of Neocon himself.

"WHO GOES THERE?!" boomed the giant head of Kristol.

Slowly, the leader of the group stepped forward.

"It is I, Mr. Wizard of Neocon, Dorothy-Bush. And these are my friends, Hannity the Scarecrow, Coulter the Tinwoman, and Limbaugh the Cowardly Lion. Oh, and this is my dog, Fleisch-Fleisch."

L. Neil Smith - Empire of Lies - a speech Neil gave to the Libertarian Party of New Mexico in Albuquerqe on June 15, 2003. He shines his moral light on the long procession of lies that make up the history of the United States. But we don't have a monopoly on government lies. "Human civilization is drowning in a sea of lies." Mr. Smith says, "No more secrets. No more lies." Bravo! [smith2004]

Thus the American Empire was born in the shadow of a lie.

It's often been observed that the first casualty of war is the truth. But that's a lie, too, in its way. The reality is that, for most wars to begin, the truth has to have been sacrificed a long time in advance.

Take the Civil War--the name itself is a lie. A civil war is what happens when two groups compete violently for control of the same government. That's not what happened in America in the 1860s. Whatever its other faults, the South had no interest at all in taking over and ruling the North. What happened in America in the 1860s was a war of secession, a war of independence, no different in principle from what happened in America in the 1770s and 1780s.


The horrible truth about the War between the States is that it ended with many more individuals enslaved than when it began. Before the war, most Americans were free. They owned their own lives. But by the time it ended, everybody was the property of the state. Men were nothing but replaceable parts in the machinery of war. Women were nothing but factories to replace them. And the government could take your life--or anything else it wanted--any time it wanted, for any reason it cared to offer.

Lincoln set all of the precedents for the monsters and for the monstrous regimes that followed after him. Even today, his example is being used by the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin as an excuse to enslave and murder Chechens.


Allow me to repeat something important. Nothing I'm saying to you today is any great secret. Most of it comes from sources friendly to the individuals and policies I criticize. If you doubt me, look it up yourself. This speech will be posted on my site at Put anything you wonder about in your browser and see what happens. But be prepared to feel differently about American history. The people of this country are kind and good for the most part, hardworking and productive. The ideas around which this country was created are the best that ever were. It is those who would lead us--whether we want to be led or not--and their policies that have brought all of it close to ruin.


I did learn to see through government lies--"as through a glass darkly"--by taking the number of American B52 bombers the North Vietnamese claimed they had shot down every month, and the smaller number the American government admitted to, and averaging them. After the war, it turned out that my method was correct, within one or two percent.


Short of that, so that we don't drown altogether, I'd like to propose a project for the Libertarian Party vastly more important than running somebody for President, or for any other office. It's a project that could, in fact, make the election of a Libertarian President possible, by putting more people on our side than anything else we've ever done.

And we wouldn't even have to succeed--just make a big, happy, noisy, credible attempt.

I propose a Constitutional Amendment providing that, if any public official, elected or appointed, at any level of government, is caught lying to any member of the public for any reason, the punishment shall be death by public hanging.

Mike Vanderboegh - What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an Army.....? - one handgun can defeat an entire army, if used correctly by a good man with good friends. Don't ever give up your guns. Don't ever give up your guns. [stanleyscoop]

Aaron Zelman, one of the founders of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, once told me:

"If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied, MV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic."


A friend of mine owns an instructive piece of history. It is a small, crude pistol, made out of sheet-metal stampings by the U.S. during World War II. While it fits in the palm of your hand and is a slowly-operated, single-shot arm, it's powerful .45 caliber projectile will kill a man with brutal efficiency. With a short, smooth-bore barrel it can reliably kill only at point blank ranges, so its use requires the will (brave or foolhardy) to get in close before firing. It is less a soldier's weapon than an assassin's tool. The U.S. manufactured them by the million during the war, not for our own forces but rather to be air-dropped behind German lines to resistance units in occupied Europe. Crude and slow (the fired case had to be knocked out of the breech by means of a little wooden dowel, a fresh round procured from the storage area in the grip and then manually reloaded and cocked) and so wildly inaccurate it couldn't hit the broad side of a French barn at 50 meters, to the Resistance man or woman who had no firearm it still looked pretty darn good. The theory and practice of it was this: First, you approach a German sentry with your little pistol hidden in your coat pocket and, with Academy-award sincerity, ask him for a light for your cigarette (or the time the train leaves for Paris, or if he wants to buy some non-army-issue food or a perhaps half-hour with your "sister"). When he smiles and casts a nervous glance down the street to see where his Sergeant is at, you blow his brains out with your first and only shot, then take his rifle and ammunition. Your next few minutes are occupied with "getting out of Dodge," for such critters generally go around in packs. After that (assuming you evade your late benefactor's friends) you keep the rifle and hand your little pistol to a fellow Resistance fighter so they can go get their own rifle.

Or maybe you then use your rifle to get a submachine gun from the Sergeant when he comes running. Perhaps you get very lucky and pickup a light machine gun, two boxes of ammunition and a haversack of hand grenades. With two of the grenades and the expenditure of a half-a-box of ammunition at a hasty roadblock the next night, you and your friends get a truck full of arms and ammunition. (Some of the cargo is sticky with "Boche" blood, but you don't mind terribly.)

Pretty soon you've got the best armed little maquis unit in your part of France, all from that cheap little pistol and the guts to use it. (One wonders if the current political elite's opposition to so-called "Saturday Night Specials" doesn't come from some adopted racial memory of previous failed tyrants. Even cheap little pistols are a threat to oppressive regimes.)

Larry Pratt at News with Views - Gun Control Is Socialist - this article is the source of the quote at the top of today's page. How socialists of all stripes have corrupted the rule of law by creating, out of whole cloth, a slew of victimless "crimes". Mr. Pratt is Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. [scopeny]

When we study socialist countries - be they Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or too many others - we find a concept in the law called "crimes against the state." These are also sometimes called crimes against the people. In earlier days, they might have been called crimes against the king's peace. Biblically and constitutionally, crimes are against individuals and should result in capital punishment, restitution or acquittal. Non-criminal damages should lead to restitution. In the 17th and 18th centuries, this was how the criminal justice system operated in America.

Add to these crimes against the state that of possessing a prohibited object, specifically a firearm. Several local jurisdictions in the U.S. have banned a wide range of guns, and the federal government has banned a bunch as well. One need not commit a crime to risk being sent to jail for possessing a combination of metal, wood, and plastic parts.

What our founders required by law - carrying guns - is now illegal in many jurisdictions. And in all but Vermont and Alaska, permission is needed to exercise the "right" to bear a concealed firearm.


England is moving to crush other personal freedoms now that gun ownership has been virtually eliminated. Prime Minister Tony Blair has proposed restricting jury trials, eliminating the prohibition on double jeopardy and most ominously, proposing that an anonymous complaint be enough to put somebody in jail because he is deemed a danger to himself or the community.


Fight socialism. Buy a gun.

Neal Boortz at World Net Daily - Socialized medicine: The fix is in - Mr. Boortz shows how recent legislation making Medicare cover prescription drugs will lead inexorably to socialized medicine. [rrnd]

Michael Gilson de Lemos at - The Joy of Drugs, Part II - like gun control, drug control is all about control and none about drugs. A long piece on how the real goal of the controllers is to mandate everything that you will or will not ingest. [rrnd]

Make no mistake. War On Drugs? What is hidden by it is a War With Drugs on the entire world population. To just say no one must be able to just say yes. The reality the accepted drugs mask is this: Who wants to keep you from yes or no is in fact aiming for your right to speak at all, and soon all cognitive freedom. And if they have to mandate Ritalin and fluoride, take away vitamins and simple natural living, and impose every drug, pseudo-nutrient, or substance of whatever description to do it, they not only will, but are.

Jeff Quinn at GunBlast - Alexander Arms' New "Overwatch" .50 Beowulf - Alexander Arms has a new .50 Beowulf platform, this time with a longer barrel. Fun, accurate, deadly.

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