Your Webmaster, Reloaded

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 18 May 2003 12:00:00 GMT
Pamela Gaston - How to Respond to Contempt in the Courtroom - some possibly useful information should a judge ever threaten to hold you in contempt. But why would you ever appear in a court? Why would you allow to continue breathing anyone who attempted to force you to go there? Guess I'm a little fiesty after watching the Matrix movies, eh? [stanleyscoop]

The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Jeff Fisher - reasonable paragraph-length definitions of communist, conservative, fascist, and libertarian. [tle]

Tim Condon at The Libertarian Enterprise - Statists To Libertarians: "You Can't Win!" - a new verse in the siren song of the Free State Project.

"You don't have a chance! You're losers! Give up your stupid ideas about individual freedom! History is on our side!"

And then a strange thing happened. There came a young man named Jason Sorens. One good man, with one good idea. It is called "the Free State Project." If he were some kind of American prophet, he would be saying something like, "I have a dream! A dream where all of us may stand fast in the liberty wherewith the Founding Fathers made us free. We can attain our freedom, throw off our modern chains, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage!"

William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Noises - concerning the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction™. They were nothing but an excuse to attack Iraq, and Syria. And the same with everything else the government says. It's all just noise designed to drum up support for their latest theft of liberty. [tle]

There are three possibilities to account for this:

There never were any WMDs. The Bush Administration deliberately lied, using the occasion to gain effective control of an enormous oil reserve.

US intelligence is incredibly faulty -- so faulty that a war was started on the basis of items that never existed. If intelligence was so poor on an item this critical, it calls into question every single piece of intelligence gathered before or since. None of it should be trusted.

The WMDs were smuggled out of Iraq prior to the war and are now in the clutches of some other evil madman.

There is no way to know which of these is true. However, last week, when a caller confronted leading Republican whore Rush Limbaugh with this very idea, Dubyuh's next move in the War on Freedom (nee War on Drugs, nee War on Poverty, nee Great Society, nee New Deal) was unwittingly telegraphed.


"Freedom," "liberation," "Weapons of Mass Destruction(TM)" ... these are all just sounds to those in the FedGov, noises to be made when attempting to garner public support. To Dubyuh and his ilk, these words have no meaning beyond how they may be used to inflame the emotions of those who vote.

Noise, that's all: just noise. If Klingonese would serve to stir up emotions, Dubyuh would be be ranting, "batlh da Qawlu' taH! Qa'pla!"

If you still can't conceive of the notion that this is entirely a con game constructed by individuals expert at manipulating your emotions, consider this:

There is one thing -- one simple, completely free thing -- the FedGov could do to reduce the likelihood of terrorism on American soil to nil. It could be implemented with the stroke of a pen, unilaterally, and not require any input by Congress.

The President could enforce the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. He could declare all 20,000 gun laws on the books both Unconstitutional and immoral, instruct the Attorney General to prosecute anyone who attempts to enforce a victim disarmament law, and issue pardons to anyone convicted of a gun crime involving no violence.

Manuel Miles, aka Kapt Kanada at The Libertarian Enterprise - The Lessons To Be Learnt From Switzerland - good lessons. Unfortunately, the Swiss have recently been forgetting them. [tle]

The Swiss still carry swords to political meetings, in order to remind politicians that the ultimate power resides with the individual citizens. If they don't like what they hear a politician say, they can fall upon him and cut him to pieces. That may not be comforting to the politicos, but I bet it is to the citizens. It would certainly change the nature of public speeches in Canada.

4. The Swiss are armed to the teeth. The Swiss have a citizen soldiery; they are, themselves, the army. Every able-bodied Swiss male serves in the army at the age of twenty, then remains armed with his full military kit (all of which is kept in his home) until the age of forty. For several weeks every year he is excused from his employment for training. This, combined with the preparations made at the border passes and tunnels, has kept Switzerland free from all foreign invaders but Napoleon for over 700 years.

The Swiss can effectively mobilise in a matter of hours, which gives them an enormous advantage over any potential invader. During the Second World War, the Swiss maintained their armed neutrality even when completely surrounded by the Axis powers. They even showed Nazi generals their defences in order to both taunt and daunt them! One such, touring a border fortress, said to a Swiss soldier, "You know, when we come, we will have you outnumbered two-to-one. What will you do then?" The Swiss citizen calmly replied, "We will shoot twice, then go home." The Nazis never dared invade.

Vin Suprynowicz at The Libertarian Enterprise - Making It Up As They Go Along ... - Vin cuts through the bull surrounding the recent revelation by The New York Times of the shenanigans of Jayson Blair. The reason they let him get away, repeatedly, with what he did, is that they are rascists. This article is a teaser for the complete version at Vin's for-pay Privacy Alert website. Get yourself a subscription today. Well worth the bucks, IMHO [tle]

But, at The Times as in most of the guilt-ridden socialist left, "diversity" is only a code word.

Was the internship program used to bring into the newsroom more gun owners (who might have a differing view from the editorial board on one of the nation's most divisive issues), more fundamentalist Christians opposed to abortion (offering a divergent view on the nation's other most divisive issue), more militia members, more Reagan Republicans, more Libertarians, more property-rights advocates, more folks who agree with Gordon Phillips and John Kotmair and Irwin Schiff that current law requires no American to pay a federal income tax on his in-country wages?

Of course not. The monochrome leftist Times doesn't seek any "diversity" of political views. When it says it seeks "diversity," it means it's hunting for a few more highly visible "Puerto Rican and house Negro" faces -- assuming they're of the proper collectivist persuasion -- to grace the front window.

What we're seeing here is the classic patronizing racism of the liberals' New Plantation. No one said it aloud, but when the tweedy, isolated and coddled old white men of The Times said young Mr. Blair had promise, they meant "... for a Negro." When they gave him chance after chance after he was caught in errors and offenses which would have sent any white aspirant packing four times over, what they really meant to say -- albeit never aloud -- was "What do you expect of a Negro? We can't very well let this one go; he's clearly the best of a sorry lot."

Dana Larsen and Reverend Damuziat Cannabis News - Marijuana Legal in Ontario - two judges in Canada have successfully legalized marijuana there, saying that the legislature failed to allow medical marijuana, so all anti-marijuana laws are null and void. Right decision for the wrong reasons. Remember. You own your body. You have the absolute right to ingest anything you want. Anyone who attempts to stop you is a criminal, and you are justified in defending yourself from him, with extreme prejudice if necessary, no matter which fancy uniform or funny hat he's wearing and no matter how many people voted for him or his chain of command. [grabbe]

dipnut at - Ooh! Ooh! Pick Me, Professor! - good commentary on the nefarious tactics of the new Brady Bunch. [kimdutoit]

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