Lady Aster (to Churchill): Winston Churchill, if I were your wife, I would put poison in your cup.
Churchill: Lady Aster, if you were my wife, I would drink it.
From smith2004:
"He got the country's name wrong, but Bush was precisely right when he said: 'Your enemy is not surrounding your country. Your enemy is ruling your country.'" -- Lew Rockwell
From Quotes of the Day:
"In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular." -- Laurence J. Peterand:
"We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong." -- Sir Arthur Eddingtonand:
"If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind." -- John Stuart Milland:
"The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good." -- Robert Graves
Kevin Tuma - Airlines - cartoon commentary on the effect on the airline industry of the new Amerikan Sekurity state. Hehe.
Mark Vallen at Art for a Change - Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" censored at U.N. - the U.N. censored their reproduction of Picasso's famous antiwar mural for Colin Powell's visit yesterday.

On January 27, 2003, the Guernica reproduction hanging outside the entrance of the United Nations Security Council, was covered with a large blue curtain. Press Secretary of the U.N., Fred Eckhard, said the covering provided "an appropriate background for the cameras."
Obviously some were concerned that Picasso's antiwar masterwork would not make a good backdrop for speeches and press conferences advocating the bombing and invasion of Iraq. As the United States talks about it's "shock and awe" strategy (the potential launching of over 800 Cruise Missiles against Baghdad in two days), and it's willingness to use "bunker busting nuclear bombs" against Iraq... Picasso's work is a chilpling reminder of what such military operations would mean for civilian populations.
On Feb. 5th, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell spoke before the United Nations to make his case for war against Iraq. Picasso's mural was completely covered and the flags of Security Council were placed before the censored artwork. As Maureen Dowd, writing for the New York Times, wrote, "Mr. Powell can't very well seduce the world into bombing Iraq surrounded on camera by shrieking and mutilated women, men, children, bulls and horses."
POPFile "is an automatic mail classification tool." It is a proxy server. You aim your email client at it, and it fetches mail from the real server and classifies it, using a Bayes Theorom algorithm, before handing it to your email program. You train it via a web interface. Written in Perl. I installed it and am in the process of training it to recognize the spam I receive. It's already doing quite well. I've corrected it 15 times in 241 messages, for an accuracy of almost 94%. Quick learner, eh? Visit the forums section for more info. [operawishlist]
Toby Sterling of AP via Yahoo! News - World Court: U.S. Must Stay 3 Executions - the International Criminal Court (of No Authority) has decreed that Texas may not execute three Mexican citizens, convicted murderers all. Balderdash. [trt-ny]