Drunk Pumpkin

From Quotes of the Day:
"Never confuse movement with action." -- Ernest Hemingway
From kaba:
"The [Elian] raid... was almost worth it, if only to watch Jesse Jackson... defending an armed pre-dawn raid by the US government on a minority household." -- Rich Galenand:
"Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent." -- H.L. Mencken
My son, Christopher, had an asthma attack last night. Karla had a harrowing drive to the hospital with a freaked-out boy. I arrived home about the time they got to the emergency room. By the time I got there, he was relaxed and doing fine. The doctor said that his lungs sounded good and that there was nothing to see on the chest X-Ray. We went home with an inhaler. Hopefully he won't need to use it. He had one other minor attack eight years ago. I hope it doesn't become chronic.
Rokon has made two-wheel all terrain vehicles since 1963. Both wheels are powered. Wide tractor type tires. Weight: 208 pounds. Ground clearance: 15 inches. Lots of accessories for hunting and farming. You can even drive one over a fallen tree! Three models, $4800 to $5200.
Billy Beck at No Treason Blog - How I Love My Gun - an ode to a fine machine. [notreasonblog]
I keep a pistol on my desk. I keep a magazine loaded with dry-fire pads, and, at odd moments of the day, I'll reach over and pick it up, drop the mag, clear the chamber, put that round back on top of the magazine, and put it back in place, all just to feel the action of that slide: just in order to work the machine. It's the sound and feel of it. The measured tension of the return-spring, the simple orderly coordination of the magazine spring introducing the new round to the chamber... now & then, I'll just strip off the chambered round with a hard rack of the slide, in order to marvel at the precise grip of the extractor at the edge of the brass rim.
"Look how that thing works. What a cool little chunk of engineering."
I do this the way some people reach over and tap the little swinging balls that knock into each other when they're bemused or bored. Me? I play with a little machine. It just happens to be a pistol.
Abilene (TX) Reporter-News - San Angelo man convicted of criminal charges in Second Amendment case - Timothy Emerson was convicted in his retrial. A Texas jury, enabled by the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the case, has once again allowed the Congress to piss on the Constitution. Hang 'em all: legislators, cops, judge, jury, everyone involved in robbing this man of his liberty. [firearmnews]
Joseph Farah at World Net Daily - Low-intensity terrorism - the reason that terrorists use suicide bombs in Israel is because the Israeli's are heavily armed, always and everywhere. The reason they use sniper fire in the U.S. is because the American sheeple are largely disarmed. [firearmnews]
The terrorists began looking for other methods. The suicide bombing attack is a method that works in a country where armed citizens are everywhere. There are no undefended schools in Israel. There are no undefended synagogues. There are no undefended buses or plazas or cafes or discotheques. Armed civilians are everywhere.
This has not been true in America for a long time. America long ago caved in to the political pressure to disarm. Now there are entire cities -- including the nation's capital -- where it is illegal to carry a firearm. This was supposedly a plan to make people safer. Of course, it has not. Crime -- especially violent crime -- is rampant in the very cities and states that have the most restrictive gun-control policies.
Sherman H. Skolnick at Rense.com - The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 18: Secret Transcripts Expose Bush - If true, makes Watergate look like petty burglary. Alleges that GW has to kill Saddam to prevent big-time blackmail. Take with a grain of salt. [grabbe]
Washington Times Editorial - Big Brother's national ID card - oppose H.R.4633, the "Driver's License Modernization Act of 2002". It creates a national ID card with a 20 year felony for forging one or providing false information to the "authorities" who issue one. Only two cosponsors, Tom Davis and Adam Smith. [grabbe]
As Eric Skrum of the National Motorists Association put it recently: "Ultimately, anybody in any state with a card reader would be able to look up your personal driving record, credit rating, Social Security number, health information, personal address, and anything else the government would force you to divulge in order to 'voluntarily' obtain a driver's license."
They can call it whatever they want, but the end result will be the same. This bill should be rejected as being incompatible with a free society.
David Aaronovitch at The Independent - I'm amazed that random killers are so rare - I agree. [kaba]
I do not willingly ride pillion with any of these three horsepersons of the modern Apocalypse. But, perversely, whenever a "gunman goes on the rampage" or a "swordsman runs amok", the thought that passes through my head is not how often this kind of thing happens, but how seldom.
Paul Craig Roberts at TownHall.com - What are we doing? - we'd better think through the ramifications of starting a war with Iraq. Taking out Saddam might be a good idea, but it ain't that simple. [grabbe]
The United States has adopted the posture of the French Revolution without thought or debate. As the United States prepares to invade and conquer Iraq, only one U.S. senator, the 84-year-old Robert Byrd, D-W.V., insists that the Constitution be followed and a declaration of war be issued. Only Byrd demands that the new homeland security czar, who has the power to set aside constitutional protections, be accountable to Senate confirmation like all other important executive branch and federal judicial appointments.
For insisting that the U.S. Constitution be followed, Byrd is denounced as an "obstructionist."
We may as well be clear about it: The U.S. Constitution is an obstruction to the United States remaking the world by might and not by example.
Michael Naimark -
How to ZAP a Camera: Using Lasers to Temporarily Neutralize Camera Sensors -
Shine a laser pointer at it. Aim at far-away cameras by connecting the
laster to a rifle scope or monocular. Mount the rifle scope on a
tripod for stable zapping. Includes example photos. Works
good. NY Times article by John Markoff
here . [picks]