Ask Your Doctor, then Ask Your Congress Critter

From kaba:
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. -- Thomas Sowelland:
Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. -- Justice Learned Hand
Terry O'Neill at the Albany (NY) Times Union - More effective ways to disrupt drug distribution - RICO works better than Rockefeller. I sent the following letter to the editor:
Terry O'Neill's April 8 letter had an idea for fighting the drug scourge. He recommended using federal conspiracy statutes to go after the organized criminals behind the drug trade instead of using New York's Rockefeller drug laws to imprison the small-time dealers. Good idea, but there's a lot better one.
The only reason organized crime is in the drug business is because drugs are illegal, hence incredibly profitable. Sure, it should be illegal to sell drugs to minors, as is already the case for legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol, but what consenting adults do on their private property ain't nobody's business.
We can very easily get organized crime out of the drug business, vastly reduce police corruption, decrease inner-city gang violence, limit drug "overdose" deaths, solve the prison overcrowding problem, and restore our fourth amendment right to be secure in our persons and property. How? Legalize drugs. All of 'em. In the words of Vin Suprynowicz, "This does not mean that 'Marijuana should be available by prescription.' It means that morphine sulfate should be available in five pound bags at the supermarket for a couple of bucks, like sugar... but probably in a different aisle, to avoid confusion."
I'm not saying that you should use drugs for recreation. That's a really bad idea. But criminalizing stupidity doesn't work. It didn't work with alcohol prohibition in the thirties, and it isn't working with drug prohibition now. What does work is personal experience. People must have the liberty to make mistakes and learn from them. I've been there. I know.
Barry Laws at - Rifle Ban a Dangerous Precedent...So Do Something About It! - one California resident who has had enough from the state. The proper letter to write about the proposed new .50 Caliber "SNIPER RIFLE" ban: [kaba]
Dear elected official:
I am writing regarding AB 2222, a pending bill that will make ownership of any .50 caliber rifle a crime, requiring current owners to turn in their weapons and receive no reimbursement. I am not going to go into the reasons why I think this bill is asinine — suffice to say that it is.
I am writing to notify you that if I am able to procure a .50 caliber rifle before this bill becomes law, I have NO INTENTIONS of turning over my .50 caliber target rifle to local law enforcement. I will not register the rifle or request a permit. My rifle will remain in California.
Though I realize my position is extreme, I realize it has been my IN-ACTION regarding other State laws infringing on my right under the U.S. Constitution to possess firearms that has forced me into taking this position. Others I have spoken with share my views.
Our homes will be easy to spot. They will be the ones flying the historic "Gonzales Flag" from the pre-Alamo-Texas days. This same flag was flown in the town of Gonzales, near the city of San Antonio, when an army of a government (Mexico) attempted to remove a canon used for the town's protection. The flag is simple. It depicts the barrel of a canon with the simple phrase, "Come and Take It!". The Mexican army tried. They failed.
Law Abiding Citizen
The Militia of Washington County, Sovereign State of Arkansas via - Declaration of Citizens' Right to Keep and Bear Arms within the Borders of the Sovereign State of Arkansas - One group in Arkansas who are tired of second amendment infringements and have done something about it. [kaba]
NOW, THEREFORE, all existing or future so-called "gun and/or ammunition laws", of whatever name or form under "color of law", whether Federal, Federal Agency, Pseudo Federal Agency, State, County or Municipal that infringes, abridges or restricts in any manner, the God given, unalienable, indefeasible, Constitutional right of Citizens to keep and bear Arms peaceably, openly or concealed, for their defense of life, liberty, and property are prima facie violations of Article 1, Sec. 9, Part 3; Article 6, Part 2; and Amendments I, II, IV, IX, and X of the Constitution for the United States of America; Article 2; Sec. 1, Sec. 2, Sec. 4, Sec. 5, Sec. 27, and Sec. 29 of the Constitution for the State of Arkansas; and the Dick Act of 1902, and are NO LAW, ab initio, ultra vires, of no force and effect, incumbent upon no one to obey or any court to enforce.
J. Orlin Grabbe - The Function of the Drug War - a classic from September of 2000. [grabbe]
The function of the Drug War is to create the Drug Crisis. The Drug Crisis involves billions of dollars of hidden cash flow. Addicted to this flow of money are law enforcement agencies, drug producers and distributors, covert agencies who use it as a source of black funding, and politicians and bankers who are hired to protect the drug revenues. Addiction to drug revenues requires that the drug war be fought so as to be lost. Failure thus becomes the criterion of success.