
From Quotes of the Day:
Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood. -- Louise Bealand:
Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs. -- P.J. O'Rourke
From kaba:
I am tired of seeing people get attacked for speaking the truth and the hecklers not being able to prove their point other than scorn or ridicule. Liberals can't refute the truth so all liberals instead attempt to make the truth bearer into a buffoon hoping to draw the public's attention away from the message! I will tell you a secret and I hope that you learn from it! If I hear something being debated pertaining to a subject that I am not cognizant of, therefore impartial, I examine the manner of the debate and conduct. I know who is telling the truth and who is lying by the tactics employed - the liar always attacks the opposing person and the truth teller always attacks the opposing premise! What great person or debater has ever proven their point by ridiculing people? Did Jesus use this method? Who has ever used ridicule other than those who can't refute the truth, such as what the Pharisees did to Jesus? Truth is never defended with ridicule. Facts speak for themselves. -- "Doc" Tavish
Tzaporah Ryter at CounterPunch - Under Fire: An American Student in Ramallah - if this report is true, the picture at the top of today's edition is accurate, the Israelis have morphed into nazis and are repeating the holocaust. They'd better watch their backs. I have a feeling that the other Arab states in the region are going to give them real trouble. [market]
Large groups of people have been found in rooms, shot dead, there are blood marks where they have lined people up on their knees and shot them, with their ID cards laying on top of them. They are taking people from their homes, blindfolding them, removing their clothes, taking them away or lining them up and shooting them against the wall.
People are making phone calls and saying that these soldiers and militia have come in and are shooting people and then the line cuts off.
There do not seem to be any reports of what is happening. In truth, its got to stop. Please go out to the streets, please demand a response from your representatives. Be loud, march up to the capitals, refuse to leave until the Israelis withdraw. Act now! Tell them the Israelis are murdering innocent people whose only crime is being born in their own homeland, a Palestinian under a military occupation.
Demand international protection for the Palestinian people, scream that this is an affront to humanity and that it is time that the US not only stop supporting Israel, but that the US stop its abuse of human rights within its own borders. This is about all of our struggles.
For the love of God, please stop this slaughter. Please help.
Brian Puckett at KeepAndBearArms.com - Terrorism Against Gun Owners, Civil Disobedience, and Killing - good rant on the continuing decimation of our right to keep and bear arms. Ends with a plea to fax letters to some California Public Safety Committee Members about the .50 caliber rifle ban. [kaba]
California's Democrat/socialist-led government is now busy examining AB 2222, which proposes to ban ownership of .50 caliber rifles. You probably think "That's too bad for Californians". But remember -- California is the testing ground for gun control "laws" in other states and for the nation. And in fact, this California law is supported by the same people who hope to impose the ban nationally -- people like Dianne Feinstein, Henry Waxman, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton.
These gun confiscators know the .50 caliber ban will set a precedent. It's simple: if .50 caliber rifles should be banned because their bullets are "armor-piercing", then shouldn't .30-'06 rifles, whose regular bullets will pierce 3/8" thick steel plate, also be banned? This is not just a rhetorical question; it is the plan of gun confiscators.
Gun confiscators are attempting to simultaneously set another legal precedent by describing .50 caliber rifles as "sniper rifles". This is also simple; if .50 caliber rifles should be banned because they can be used for 1,200-yard sniping, then shouldn't .308 caliber rifles, used for 1,000-yard sniping, also be banned? Furthermore, the most common sniper rifles are .30 caliber, so if it makes "public safety" sense to ban the rare .50 caliber "sniper rifle", then it certainly makes sense to ban the more common .30 caliber sniper rifles, doesn't it? In fact, shouldn't all high-powered scoped rifles be banned, or at least registered?
This isn't just a rhetorical question, either. It is the plan of the gun confiscators, and they are pushing steadily toward it. If you don't think it can happen in your state, or on a national level as a "temporary homeland security measure", you're fooling yourself.
Jennifer Van Bergen at truthout - Repeal the USA Patriot Act: Part IV: Patriotism or Tyranny? - details of this abominations' "three-pronged attack on our privacy."
That's how the American Civil Liberties Union put it. Section 203 of the Act allows law enforcement to share with intelligence agencies -- including the FBI, CIA, NSA, INS, Secret Service, and Department of Defense -- sensitive information gathered during a criminal investigation. The types of information that could be shared include information revealed to a grand jury (previously prohibited by law), telephone and internet intercepts obtained without court order and without restrictions on the subsequent use of the intercepted information, and any other "foreign intelligence" information obtained as part of a criminal investigation.
This, alone, is reason enough to amend the Act. As the ACLU says: "The USA Patriot Act would tear down [procedural] safeguards and once again permit the CIA to create dossiers on constitutionally protected activities of Americans and eliminate judicial review of such practices."
This is another provision that not only does not protect Americans from terrorism, but rather exposes us to incursions from our own government.
This one enables the government to go into your house when you are not home, look around, take pictures, and even seize your property, all without telling you.
This is the movie, "Enemy of the State," come to life. Don't get used to this, people. It's an outrage. It's your home. It's your privacy. It's your life.
Tomorrow, Part V will discuss how the Act punishes some people for engaging in innocent First Amendment associational activity, violates other civil rights of immigrants, uses secret evidence, curbs judicial oversight, and invades financial and student records.
Liberty Committee - ICC Petition to Bush - The Liberty Committee is collecting signatures on a petition asking GW to rescind Clinton's signature to the International Criminal Court treaty, a treaty that was not ratified by the senate, and hopefully never will be. I signed it.
Rainbow Family - Rap 420 - some good advice for avoiding arrest. Never consent to anything. Ever. Use your right to remain silent. Linked from the Where the gathering will be in 2002 page. It's in the Great Lakes region this year (Wisconson, Michigan, Minnesota), July 1-7. I've never been to a Rainbow Gathering, though I've talked with people who enjoyed them.
Anodyne - 1984 Rainbow Gathering - This was one of Monde's "peak experiences". She talks a bit about what a Rainbow Gathering is and how the federales have been recently hassling these peaceful campers.
The Feds, figuring on using any tool at their disposal to end peaceful gatherings of hippies despite their easygoing temperament and respect for the land they celebrate upon, is working to end the Rainbow Gathering by having the U.S. Forest Service essentially create a situation in which the Rainbow Gathering has now been made officialy illegal. The knot of rules and regulations is too confusing for most to even try to follow, but the Family are making a go of it, or at least trying their best.
In simplest terms: the Forest Service forbids the event for want of a permit, and then denies all attempts to get that permit on whatever grounds are available to twist into loopholes. The reports they make about the events are full of the usual rhetoric: the peace-loving hippies are actually just a bunch of rowdy kids who come to "party" and as such aren't to be trusted or believed. And predictably enough, they go on and on about the Evils of Drugs.
The regulations forbidding a gathering of over 75 people on park services lands went into effect in 1995. Again, predictably enough, it's only now that they're starting to really get nailed down, under a government administration whose sole purpose seems to be to END PEACE AND HUMAN HAPPINESS, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. And Constitution be damned. Undaunted, the Rainbow Family is trying to get these actions declared unconstitutional anyway, on grounds of the right to assemble and also on the grounds of protecting religious freedom. I wish them all the best of luck but don't hold a huge degree of hope for their endeavour. Not in this lousy post 9-11 world.
Reuters - Police to Replace Military Troops at Airports - By the end of May, the National Guard troops will be out of American airports, replaced by police. By November, the first "uniformed federal law enforcement officers" will take over "security". [unknown]
Angel Shamaya at KeepAndBearArms.com - NRA Says Honest Americans Would Turn in Banned Guns - The NRA is distributing a video entitled It Can't Happen Here (RealVideo), showing gun confiscations in Kalifornia. One section of the video says that this is what "any honest...American would do." No. An honest American would do his best to kill anyone who tried to take his guns away, unconstitutional law or not. Meanwhile, Charleton Heston stood before thousands of members at last May's conference holding up a musket and saying "From my cold dead hands!" If only he could get this attitude into the rest of the NRA administration. But this was just a small part of the 27 minute video. It tells a lot about the reality of registration leading to confiscation. It can happen here. It is happening today in California. The video is also a long commercial for the NRA, promoting membership and voting. [trt-ny]
Dennis Jackson at KeepAndBearArms.com - Are you ready for Civil Disobedience? - some information about past civil disobedience and a few ideas on possible pro-RKBA activities. [kaba]
Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com - Out of the Light - the positive feedback of war fever. Amerika's war on terror is not working, exactly the opposite. So what does our "leadership" do? More of the same. Reminds you of the popular definition of insanity, eh? [market]
The progress of civilization is inseparable from the long struggle to establish a right to dissent. Along with that comes the need to strictly limit the power of the State to punish political opposition. That is the upshot of every important political advance in the last 500 years, from the Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights. The 20th century demonstrates nothing if not the productive power of human liberty and the horror of State control. Generations of high school students have been taught about the courage of the dissidents and martyrs in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany.
We are told that September 11 changed everything. Apparently so. The war on terror has put the full faith and credit of the US government behind a theory of power that stands the lessons of history on their head. Instead of supporting the right to dissent, the US now backs any government willing to crush and destroy it. Instead of sympathizing with refuseniks and the oppressed, along with captive nations and peoples, the US stands ready to back the suppression of every human right in the name of stopping terror.
William Wagers at java.about.com - What's in the New Java GUI? - new user interface features in Java 1.4.