Million Gun March
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jonesand:
In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. -- Mark Twainand:
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Rick Stanley at Armed Females of America - 'Million Gun March' Moves Ahead! - Wow! [kaba]
The Bill of Rights Rallies demand the repeal of all unconstitutional laws at all levels of government. A petition will be started on the Stanley for Senate website, (see, beginning April 15, 2002, specifically demanding certain unconstitutional laws be repealed and abolished before the Million Gun March at Washington, D.C. on July 4, 2003. Signers for the petition will be not only making the demands to repeal and abolish certain laws, but will be attesting to their personal guarantee to attend the Million Gun March armed with a rifle, a pistol and ammunition for their personal weaponry. The march will only be held, if at least one million signatures from Americans across the nation, guarantee their presence at the march. - The Liberty Compact - a little pledge for signing by all candidates for public office. If they won't sign, they don't deserve your vote. There is also a petition asking your current congress critters to sign the compact. [GOP News & Views]
I, ____________________________, pledge to the citizens of the State of _________________ and to the American people, that as their elected representative I will work to: Promote liberty, not restrict it; shrink government, not expand it; reduce taxes, not raise them; abolish programs, not create them; promote the freedom and independence of citizens, not the interference of government in their lives; and observe the limited, enumerated powers of our Constitution, not ignore them.
Signed: _________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
Your Name: _____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________
Office Sought: ___________________________________
District #: _______________________________________
Are You the Incumbent? ___ YES ___ NO
Print this page and mail or fax to:
Chairman Chuck Muth
Republican Liberty Caucus
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV 89121
FAX: (702) 454-7798
Russell Madden at Laissez Faire Electronic Times - Inmates Running the Asylum - commentary on the insanity of the modern tyrant in the light of the recent order by a judge for Johnita DeMatteo to quit smoking in her home or in her car because her son, who visits her occasionally, doesn't like the smell it leaves.
DeMatteo's struggle is simply one more step in the inversion of common sense, in the destruction of rationality bleeding through this country. While I support questioning authority whenever it oversteps its bounds as fervently as anyone I know, to accept the facts of this case as in the slightest manner being justified is to declare that the crazies have seized the reins and are now in charge of the asylum. has devoted their site to fighting the CBDTPA, the latest excrement from the senator from Disney. Rip. Mix. Burn. Jail. is a Flash animation clarifying the result of this bill should it be passed by our congress critters. [samizdata]
Wayne Hicks at Sierra Times - FreedomFest: The Time Has Come - Mr. Hicks is organizing FreedomFest, a meeting for the freedom movement.
FreedomFest will be held July 4th, 5th and 6th of this year. Harmony, the chosen location, is a mile-long valley in Northwest Arkansas, only an hour south of Branson, Missouri, and one of the most beautiful places on earth. The rolling hills make natural amphitheaters, and we're taking advantage of this fact, establishing multiple pavilions so that we can have three or more programs going at all times. There's enough room for many people who may want camp there, or bring their RV's, and still do all that we want to do.
For two solid days we're going to have ourselves a blast, listening to music and learning about just what we can do to preserve our precious American heritage of liberty!
And then, on Saturday, July 6th, we're going to ask all of you who attend to join together to discuss and vote on resolutions that will be sent to every congressman, every senator; proposing new legislation that can restore the freedoms our forefathers fought and bled and died to leave to us, their progeny.
VIn Suprynowicz at Sierra Times - Homeland Security: Time to sweep aside some euphemisms - Tom Ridge doesn't appear to have any official function. He won't talk to Congress, and has no budget. And the military no longer thinks their job is to protect America. Rename them to the war department. [sierra]
Peter J. Mancus at - This Pig Stinks! - a long account of Dr. Mancus' fight over CCW with the Sebastopol, CA chief of police. I haven't finished it yet, but it looks worth reading. [kaba]
The 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid now has a web site. You have to register to see it, which probably means Honda will send you junk mail (if you give them your real address). 51 MPG highway. $20,550 retail. Electric everything. CD player. Automatic transmission. I'm a civic fan. I have a '93 civic sedan with over 200,000 miles on it. It just keeps running.
jso888 at Slashdot - Can GnuPG Deliver? - lots of discussion of what to do now that Network Associates has stopped supporting PGP. It appears that there are good GUI front ends for GNU Privacy Guard on Windows (WinPT, GnuPP) and OSX (MacGPG, GPGMail). [/.]