It's a KABA Sunday - Drug Testing - cartoon commentary on school drug tests. Too true.

Whitney L. Jackson at The Journal (Alexandria, VA) - Flier raises questions of `hate speech' - Gus Alzona distributed a flier on Friday depicting three anti-gun Montgomerery legislators as nazis (not the poster above, that's from JPFO). He's likely to lose his spot on the county Republican Central Committee. Mr. Alzona, I salute you. [kaba]
Alzona distributed a flier Friday in Annapolis showing the faces of state Sens. Brian Frosh, D-Bethesda, and Christopher Van Hollen Jr., D- Kensington, and Del. Mark Shriver, D-Bethesda, digitally imposed on soldiers in German SS-style uniforms.
The flier, which read ``Montgomery County Democrats have a FINAL solution for ALL of Maryland's gun owners," was drafted by the county chapter of the pro-gun Tyranny Response Team.
Aaron Zelman at - Letter in Support of Augustus Alzona - Mr. Zelman supports Mr. Alzona. I do too. He's absolutely right. Those who would infringe our God-given right to keep and bear arms are nazis, pure and simple. [kaba]
I am a Jew, a Semite. My organization, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has used the image of Hitler to characterize those who want to control, and eventually deprive us of, our firearms This image is one of the most popular JPFO has ever produced -- and it's popular with both Jewish and Gentile supporters.
If you want to take me on for producing "anti-Semitic" "hate speech," go ahead - make my day.
Ron Paul at - Against Military Conscription - no more slavery! Bravo, Dr. Paul! [lew]
Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation expressing the sense of Congress that the United States government should not revive military conscription. Supporters of conscription have taken advantage of the events of September 11 to renew efforts to reinstate the military draft. However, reviving the draft may actually weaken America's military. Furthermore, a military draft violates the very principles of individual liberty this country was founded upon. It is no exaggeration to state that military conscription is better suited for a totalitarian government, such as the recently dethroned Taliban regime, than a free society.
Mr. Speaker, the most important reason to oppose reinstatement of a military draft is that conscription violates the very principles upon which this country was founded. The basic premise underlying conscription is that the individual belongs to the state, individual rights are granted by the state, and therefore politicians can abridge individual rights at will. In contrast, the philosophy which inspired America's founders, expressed in the Declaration of Independence, is that individuals possess natural, God-given rights which cannot be abridged by the government. Forcing people into military service against their will thus directly contradicts the philosophy of the Founding Fathers. A military draft also appears to contradict the constitutional prohibition of involuntary servitude.
M. Hollenbeck at Lberty Belles - TKO-Liberty Belles Trounce "Million Moms" - an account of a debate in Los Angeles between two anti-gunners and two freedom lovers. Slanted towards the latter, of course, but it would take great creativity to slant this story the other way. [kaba]
The final speaker was Randy Herrst of the Center For The Study Of Crime. Calm and matter-of-fact, he presented statistics as well as personal experiences of defending himself utilizing a firearm - without having to injure anyone. "If Mr. Blek's son had been somewhere where the average citizen could defend themselves [as opposed to New York, where Matthew Blek was murdered], their neighbors, or someone on the street, there'd be a 75% that Mr. Blek's son would be alive today. If I were in the sit where someone like Mr. Blek's son was being assaulted, legal or illegal, I could assure you that person would not be dead."
Jon Dougherty at World Net Daily - Wyoming rejects model health bill: Most states yet to act on measure boosting power of governor - My home state joins Mississippi in voting for liberty. Good for them. [kaba]
An ALEC summary of the bill claims it gives governors unprecedented authority in the event of a terrorist attack or other threat to the public health. WND reported Jan. 10 that the measure grants governors the power to order the collection of all data and records on citizens, ban firearms, take control of private property and quarantine entire cities. And critics say it is an outright and unnecessary threat to civil liberties.
ALEC is tracking the progress of the bill through the states on its website.
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