Justice for Woody
It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood. -- James Madison
Justice for Woody - Press Release - An announcement of a candlelight vigil for Robert Woodward, a man who was killed by the police in a church for the horrible crime of threatening himself with a knife. The cops are finally off the street, assigned to desk jobs, but I think Brattleboro should have long ago convened a grand jury to consider indicting them for murder. I printed a letter from Linda Hamilton about this back in January. Read about Woody's case at the Justice for Woody web site.
On Tuesday, March 19, 7pm to 9pm, a candlelight vigil will be held on the steps of the Brattleboro Municipal Center in Brattleboro, Vermont, commemorating the 38th birthday of Robert "Woody" Woodward.
Woody was shot and killed by the Brattleboro police inside the All Souls Church in West Brattleboro on December 2, 2001, after requesting political asylum from the Unitarian congregation.
This vigil will mark the 38th anniversary of Woody's birth, celebrate his life, and underscore the widely held belief that justice can only be served by an independent investigation and full public disclosure of all investigative findings.
Please call (413) 253-3562 for further information.
Bill Christison at CounterPunch - Why the "War on Terror" Won't Work - a former c.i.a. agent tells it like it is. Six reasons that terrorists are attacking the United States. Hatred of our way of life doesn't make the list. [cowlix]
These Islamic extremists are not nice people. Those still alive, and other future adherents to their cause, will continue to try to kill innocent people in the U.S. and elsewhere. But what the extremists see themselves as trying to do is to stop the United States from continuing its drive for global hegemony, including hegemony over the Islamic world. I think it's important to understand this, because if people in the United States believe that some enemy is trying to "destroy" the U.S. and actually has some possibility of doing so then waging an all-out war against that enemy can be more easily justified. But what if the U.S. is not trying to prevent its own destruction, but instead is trying to preserve and extend its global hegemony? In that case, I think we should all step back and start demanding of our government a serious public debate over future U.S. foreign policies. We should be strenuously debating the degree to which the people in this country, given all of our own domestic problems, want the U.S. government to continue foreign policies intended to strengthen U.S. hegemony over and domination of the rest of the world in the political, economic, and militarily areas.
Yahoo News - Full-Body X-Ray - a photo of the screen of a device soon to be in use at the Orlando airport "for passengers on a voluntary basis." Looks to me like without the gun in the picture, we'd be looking at this guy's family jewels. [grabbe]

Mike Branom of AP via Nando News - New security systems to be tested at Orlando airport - a story about the system that created the picture above. [unknown]
The checkpoint will feature six security systems: three for passengers and three for carry-on baggage. Only passengers who volunteer will go through the checkpoint.
One system, the Rapiscan Secure 1000, uses low-energy X-rays to search a person through clothing. When Rapiscan project manager Bryan Allman scanned himself, detected was a plastic knife hidden in his shirt pocket.
However, the outline of his body - every inch of it - also was clearly visible. Perhaps proving the machine's revealing nature, airport officials refused to put a woman in the scanner.
Security officials said the scanner would only be used when a passenger shows an "anomaly." Also, the security worker examining the scan would be the same sex as the person being searched.
Sierra Times - KY: Puckett Misplaces Ankle Bracelet; The Chase is ON - Mr. Puckett decided to become a fugutive instead of attend a kangaroo trial. Good for him. [sierra]
Lee Sutterlin at KeepAndBearArms.com - Charles Puckett's Last Testament - Mr. Sutterlin is a captain in the Kentucky State Militia. Mr. Puckett gave him this letter in case he had to flee, which he did, just in time. They were planning to arrest him today on additional charges. [kaba]
After September 11th, our whole great country changed. Our Congress, (without EVER reading the Patriot Act of 2001), passed this legislation with only a summary to read of what the bill was about. Three people voted against it. Those three men are great Americans. The Draconian powers created by this so called "patriot act" will forever ruin America.
I have nothing but love in my heart for this great nation. There seems nowdays to be very little relief or justice for some in our country. I am one of these people. It is my last testament that I have NOT committed ANY criminal acts, nor will I donate years of my life for something that I have NOT done. I have never burned down a church & killed innocent children for make believe reasons. I have never shot a 15 year old child in the back & I have never shot a woman in the face. Government officials have done all of the above with no one accountable for those acts to date.
Brad King at Wired - DOJ's Dot-Narc Rave Strategy - the d.o.j. is using the internet to raid raves. Bastards. [anodyne]
Sierra Times - The Mailbag - "As H&R Block Burns", another episode in the continuing saga. It's not nice to mess with America's gun owners. Not at all good for business. From a Canadian doctor: [safeskies]
Imagine what your company's reaction would be if the KKK called you up to complain about your business dealings with Blacks, Latinos and Jews. After all, they would insist, by dealing with Blacks and Latinos you are supporting inner city crime and by dealing with Jews you were supporting the slaughter of Middle Eastern children.
In such a situation your rightful response should of course be to tell them to get the hell out of your lawful business. Well guess what? You fell for it. The recreational firearms owners of Canada and the USA have been slandered and smeared by cynical special interest statist groups for decades and you just helped them commit another hate crime against us.
Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - The DrugTerrorMedia War - a few words about the renewed war on freedom, er... some drugs, compliments of the o.n.d.c.p., "Officious Narks Disseminating Crude Propaganda". Bottom line: lots of terrorists get their money directly from the U.S. government. They bankroll them when they think they're on our side.
Wouldn't it be great if it was possible to hack into commercials and sabotage that obnoxious catchphrase?Where do terrorists get their money
to buy weapons to kill Americans?
If you're an American taxpayer
they definitely get it from you.
Cryptome - D.I.R.T. guide - a guide and illegal-to-possess copy of the Codex Data Systems "Data Interception by Remote Transmission" spy-ware, that the U.S. government is using to bug computers. [grabbe]
Andrew Orlowski at The Register - How we can save PGP -- Zimmermann - an interview with the creator of Pretty Good Privacy. [picks]