GNU Smalltalk
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. -- Socrates
From wood s lot:
War is God's way of teaching Americans geography. -- Ambrose Bierceand:
Just as the War Against Drugs would make some kind of sense if they honestly called it a War Against Some Drugs, I regard Dubya's current Kampf as a War Against Some Terrorists. I may remain wed to that horrid heresy until he bombs CIA headquarters in Langley. -- Robert Anton Wilson
brianf answered my question from Wednesday about Phil Lesh & Friends. I'm tempted to go to the concert in Albany on November 15, but $37.50 is a bit pricey for my blood.
I had never been to a Gratefull Dead concert but can vouch that a Phil Lesh and Friends concert I went to at SPAC was a wonderful experience from both the performance and social environment perspectives. It was a hug shared by several thousand people. Incredible.
An Ode to America is an uplifting story I received via office email, purported to be an editorial from a Romanian newspaper. Though I rant and rave about the sins of the American government, the American spirit of freedom is alive and well. Blessed Be!
Daniel Solnit - Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys? - I received this on Dana Beal's Million Marijuana March mailing list. Terrorists aren't much different from the U.S. government. And he doesn't even mention the b.a.t.f. or the d.e.a., Amerika's two biggest domestic terrorist organizations.
Bernard Continelli at the Albany (NY) Times Union - Time for voters to give boot to both major parties - boot the republicrats. If you must vote, and I strongly suggest that you don't, vote for the Liberal, Independence, Green, Conservative, Constitution and Libertarian parties.
hillct at Slashdot - Gilmore Commission Recommends Secret 'Cyber Court' - another secret court, this one proposed by Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III. [/.]
Declan McCullagh at Wired - Governor Calls for 'Cyber Court' - McCullagh's skinny on the latest fascist trial balloon. [wired]
David Coursey at ZDNet News - Why the RIAA owes us all an apology - The Recording Industry Association of America attempted to lump music copiers in with terrorists. Shame on them. [newsforge]
Libertarian Party Press Release - There's only one way to protect the U.S. against anthrax terrorist attacks - I said this on September 12. It's worth repeating again and again. To stop the terrorists, remove U.S. troops from the rest of the world. In peace time, eliminate the standing army. Operate the peace time military with just enough people to keep the equipment working plus reservists who are ready to go active duty when necessary. Keep the citizen militia armed and ready by removing laws that discourage it and encouraging everyone to be active in their local militia. I won't hold my breath...
Alice Cherbonnier at the Baltimore Chronicle and Sentinel - Republican-controlled Carlyle Group poses serious Ethical Questions for Bush Presidents, but Baltimore Sun ignores it - The Carlyle Group invests in defense contractors. Hence, its investors profit from war. Who are its investors? GW's dad and Osama bin Laden. Makes ya think, eh? [brianf]
Lew Rockwell at - We Can't Win This Way - the U.S. government will never win the war on terrorism by waging war or any other centralized non-solution. Only liberty can end terrorism. [lew]
Because the proven perpetrators in September 11 are all dead, the objective of the US government is to kill Osama bin Laden and punish governments that support him. But does anyone really believe that this is going to take care of the problem? Bin Laden doesn't control people like puppets. Those acting on his behalf have free will. Even if they didn't, there will be other bin Ladens, and they will multiply exponentially.
I am not counseling despair, just realism. The immediate response comes: "well, we have to do something!" Yes, we do. That something is to recognize that coercion and bombings are not going to work, and instead try freedom and peace, starting with free trade with Iraq. - Bush Vows to Rid the World of Evil - Look, up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a tush. Not bird nor plane nor even tush, it's just little ol' me, underBush. Hehe. [lew]
Vin Suprynowicz at - High court ducks roadblock issue - the fourth amendment has been further shredded with the supremes' latest refusal to hear on appeal. Papieren bitte. [kaba]
In a free country, spotting a policeman alongside the road should produce a feeling of reassurance that "the man" is there to protect us from wrongdoers, not guilty worries about whether we've just been spotted using a cell phone, or failing to cinch up our seatbelts, or that we're about to be nailed for any number of ways in which our "papers" might be out of order.
(Does the computer show we've paid our property taxes? Our child support? Ducked jury duty? Whether the officer should humiliate us by forcing us to unload our legally owned firearms ... seizing them if we're caught carrying one with a serial number not properly listed on our "permit"? What do you suppose they'll be able to program into that computer next year? Tax liens? Delinquent student loans? Results of our last doctor's exam?)
GNU Smalltalk "is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language." One day I'll have to play with Smalltalk. [meat]