Supreme National Security Council
Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them,
"Love me."
Of course you do not do this out loud;
Someone would call the cops.
Still though, think about this,
This great pull in us
To connect.
Why not become the one
Who lives with a full moon in each eye
That is always saying,
With that sweet moon
What every other eye in this world
Is dying to
Heard on the radio:
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. -- Oscar Wilde
Phil Lesh & Friends are touring. You can download CD Soundboards along with jewel case artwork. I was never a big fan of the Dead, though I own a few albums and saw them in concert two or three times. The thing I remember about the concerts is an incredible peacefulness. Has anyone else noticed that, and if so, are Phil Lesh & Friends concerts similar? [will]
The Disassociated Press - Bush's Press Conference - "Text of President Bush’s news conference Thursday night in the East Room of the White House, as translated from the Orwellian by ATerribleThingtoWaste, Inc." Most amusing. Hosted at the same web site that published Charlie Reese's last piece. [lew]
We are aggressively pursuing the agents of terror around the world, and we are aggressively strengthening our protections here at home. This week, we established America's new Office of Fatherland Fidelity directed by former Gov. Tom Ridge. Americans tonight can know that while the threat is ongoing, we are taking every possible step to crap up their civil liberties.
Al Martin - From the United States of America to the National Security States of America - Tom Ridge's gestapo will be watched over by the new "Supreme National Security Council". This entity will operate with no oversight by anyone. The very concept of habeas corpus is eliminated. The fifth amendment right to not incriminate yourself is gone. They can seize assets whenever they please without judicial proceeding or review. The nazis are coming. Funded with our stolen tax money. Heil Georgie. Sieg Heil. [grabbe]
All of the legislation proposed since September 12 -- if it is to pass -- will constitute the largest transfer of the rights and liberties of the American people back to the government in the history of the Republic.
Giles Larsen at The Salt Lake Tribune - Prove Commitment to Peace: Post 'No Guns Here' on Lawn - the pro-gun crowd has challenged anti-gunners to walk their talk by posting signs on their houses proclaiming their helplessness. Mr. Larsen has taken up the challenge. I applaud his spirit of non-violence, but decry his practical stupidity. It's all well and good to talk about the societal causes of violence, but when a criminal is threatening your kid, philosophy is bunk. [firearmnews]
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Effective and Practical Counter-Terrorism Measures - Arm Pilots, Immigration Restrictions, Better intelligence gathering, Harsher criminal penalties for terrorists, Letters of marque and reprisal, End legal preferences for terrorist suspects. Hmm... Dr. Paul appears to be a hawk in libertarian clothing. Terrorism is a crime like any other crime. It doesn't need any special consideration by the law. - CALIFORNIA DREAMIN': National Guard Has No Ammo - Saturday's LA Times contained a photo of a national guardsman in the airport carrying a rifle with no ammunition magazine. Photo included with this article. The KABA writer was appalled at this. It makes sense to me. Those guardmen in our airports don't make us one wit safer, even with loaded guns. The only reason they're there is to make the sheep feel more secure. [kaba]
Mark Thornton at - Your Papers, Comrade - Mr. Thornton recently travelled by air. He relates his experience with and opinions about the beefed up airport "security".
As I sat in airport after airport, hour after hour, I thought to myself, this is just like the USSR without the Russian accent. There was a constant stream of recorded security warnings over the public address system that would have been quite unnerving to the general public if someone with a stern foreign accent had given them.
And then there is the requirement to show your "papers" at every "checkpoint" including the ticket counter, the security checkpoint, and the gateway to your plane. I felt like I was in a Kevin Costner movie.
NewsMax - Barbara Olson to Hillary: Come Clean on Vince Foster - Yes, Hitlary, tell us about you and Vince. Everything... [max]
If Hillary Clinton wants to write a book that would justify the $8 million advance she won from Simon & Schuster late last year, she should clear up the mystery of her own relationship with the late deputy White House counsel Vince Foster -- and explain what her most trusted aides were doing rifling through his office on the night he died.
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All applications approved!
Antiwar News Service
They could hardly wait
Yes, we're at war ... against sick Americans
No time for panic spending
Security is important, but so is oversight
Islamic Silence
The War on Freedom Marches Ahead
Half-measures in the Klamath Valley
Botach Tactical