Timothy McVeigh Is No More

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 01 Jul 2001 13:11:16 GMT
Laughing at the Word Two


That Illumined

Who keeps
Seducing the formless into form

Had the charm to win my

Only a perfect One

Who is always
Laughing at the word

Can make you know



(The Gift: Poems by Hafiz, translations by Daniel Ladinsky)

I've got meetings all day today, so I doubt I'll read any more news until tomorrow.

As I write this, they should be announcing the death by fatal injection of Timothy McVeigh. Too bad Janet Reno and friends weren't lying on the gurney beside him.

Feedreader "is a freeware Windows application that reads and displays Internet newsfeeds aka RSS feeds based on XML." It didn't do very well at the RSS I was generating with BlogMax, so I fixed it, I think. Haven't uploaded the new version yet. [script]

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