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What will
The burial of my body be?
The pouring of a sacred cup of wine
Into the tender mouth of
The earth
And making
My dear sweet lover laugh
One more
Robert Teesdale - Stop the U.N. - a Flash animation supporting the New York Tyranny Response Team's protest at the building in New York City on July 14. Here's the text of the presentation. The pictures are well worth waiting for. [trt-ny]
Destroy the United Nations
The United Nations wants to make civilian arms illegal...
...all 500 million of them.
Half of them are in America.
Will you surrender yours?
Will you obey the United Nations?
Will your children?
What will America do?
Will she kneel?
Or will you fight?
Don't Tread on Me
Start Here (the U.N. building)
Join the Protest
Keep your rights
Tyranny Response Team
Protest at the U.N. - July 14, 2001
Click Here for Details
Join Us!
TRT-NY has set the meeting time and approximate place for the July 14
The kick off time is 12 noon. The exact location is still being worked out but it will be at or near the UN bldg. on the East side between 42nd an 46th Streets along 1st Ave.
Russ Kick at the Village Voice - World Leaders on Dope - Any politician who hasn't realized yet that drugs should be legalized, or at least de-criminalized, must be on drugs. A laundry list of conservative icons agree. [unknown]
Libertarian Party Press Release - Criminal outrage: Millions harassed at seatbelt roadblocks over holiday weekend - I didn't drive last weekend. Spent the time coding and arguing with my wife. Apparently, those who did drive were harrassed in large numbers by nazi seatbelt checkpoints. These stops are a crime. The police should be out looking for real criminals, not harrassing honest motorists over a law with no right to be.
"Seatbelt laws are not a victimless crime," he [Steve Dasbach] said. "The real victims of these kinds of nuisance laws are the millions of people who wasted time this Memorial Day weekend in roadblock-caused traffic jams; the hundreds of thousands of families who were inconvenienced or frightened because they were pulled over by police; and the tens of thousands of minority drivers who saw this as another example of police harassment."
I am now generating RSS. is the channel, available via
icon in the upper-right hand corner of each page.
I had a great idea for my weblog maintenance system. Up to now I've had the weblog directory, name, and ftp site programmed in to global variables in the program. This makes it hard to maintain more than one site at a time. If instead I put a parameter file in the root directory of each site, then no site-specific information needs to be stored in the code. All you'll need to do to change a page is open the text file that generates it. I don't need this right now, but it's not a very big change to what I've done already, and will make the package much easier to configure. Text is King!
Previous Posts:
The Continuum Concept
Vaccine-Induced Disease Syndromes
Watch out for politicians promising us new 'rights'
Where do [we] want [your visitors] to go today?
Who needs the 'Megabucks'?
What are they going to do, 'take their business ELSEWHERE?' har har
Home of the Diablos
Orange and Electric Blue
Where all the presidents are above average