Vaccine-Induced Disease Syndromes

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 30 Jun 2001 12:00:00 GMT
Kevin Tuma - Loophole - cartoon commentary on the Brady Bunch. Huhuhuhuhu.

From kaba:

The essence of constitutionalism in a democracy is not merely to shape and condition the nature of majorities, but also to stipulate that certain things are impermissible, no matter how large and fervent a majority might want them. -- George Will

From Quotes of the Day:

Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true. -- Niels Bohr

PicoSearch indexed 1061 pages on It is now available on the home page at and as one of the choices on the advanced search page. I decided to do what I proposed yesterday. Atomz is the default search engine (underneath the calendar) for EtWoF day pages and stories. PicoSearch indexes all of

Last weekend I read The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. Mr. Ruiz is a Toltec master. I read his earlier book, The Four Agreements, the last time I was in the Ukraine. Somebody, I know not who, left it in my mailbox. This one I bought myself at Wisdom's Child, the bookstore at The Abode. Both contain practical philosophy for maintaining your personal freedom and happiness. Carlos Casteneda simplified and brought to earth. Recommended.

Linda Hamilton told me that she was on Bob Dornan's show on Unfortunately, they don't appear to have any archives. They also have stopped streaming radio broadcasts because of legal uncertainties:

Due to continuing uncertainty over rights issues related to the streaming of radio broadcast programming over the Internet, including issues regarding demands for additional fees for the streaming of recorded music and radio commercials, we and our advertisers are forced to temporarily disable our streaming. We apologize for the inconvenience of this interruption. We are working with both our advertisers and the Recording Industry Association of America to find a solution to those problems as quickly as possible so that we can resume our streaming.

From the July/August, 2001 issue of Mothering magazine, p. 13:

I am writing in regard to "Show Us the Science" (March-April 2001). I am a medical doctor who gave up surgery to treat what I call VIDS (vaccine-induced disease syndromes), which include most of the autoimmune diseases in the world today, as well as cancer and SIDS. I use homeopathy to detox vaccinations and other immue system assaulters; I use other natural remedies to suppliement whatever the patient needs. The protocol I have developed can be found on

Due to the success I have had, especially with allegedly incurable autistic patients, the New York State Office of Professional Conduct is attacking me. And although my protocol has helped everyone who has tried it and has hurt no one, I have been ordered to undergo psychiatric testing by the OPMC next month, so they can concoct some psychiatric disorder to take away my medical license. I'm convinced that this is because I am giving medical exemptions to my patients with VIDS. All doctors before me who have done so have been stripped of their medical licenses. Since my work proves that vaccinations are causing the biggest epidemic in the world today, I am very dangerous to the pharmaceutical companies and their pawns in the medical profession.

Rebecca Carley, MD

Alan Phillips at Hippokrates Systems ( - Dispelling Vaccination Myths - Ten myths about vaccines and a dose of truth for each one.

VACCINATION MYTH #1: "Vaccines are completely safe..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #1: "Vaccination causes significant death and disability at an astounding personal and financial cost to families and taxpayers."
VACCINATION MYTH #2: "Vaccines are very effective..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #2: "Evidence suggests that vaccination is an unreliable means of preventing disease."
VACCINATION MYTH #3: "Vaccines are the main reason for low disease rates in the U.S. today..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #3: "It is unclear what impact vaccines had on the infectious disease declines that occurred throughout this century."
VACCINATION MYTH #4: "Vaccination is based on sound immunization theory and practice..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #4: "Many of the assumptions upon which immunization theory and practice are based have been proven false in their application."
VACCINATION MYTH #5: "Childhood diseases are extremely dangerous..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #5: "Dangers of childhood diseases are greatly exaggerated in order to scare parents into compliance with a questionable but profitable procedure."
VACCINATION MYTH #6: "Polio was one of the clearly great vaccination success stories..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #6: "Vaccines caused substantial increases in polio after years of steady declines, and they are the sole cause of polio in the U.S. today."
VACCINATION MYTH #7: "My child had no short-term reaction to vaccination, so there is nothing to worry about..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #7: "The long term adverse effects of vaccinations have been virtually ignored, in spite of direct correlations with many chronic conditions."
VACCINATION MYTH #8: "Vaccines are the only disease prevention option available..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #8: "Documented safe and effective alternatives to vaccination have been available for decades but suppressed by the medical establishment."
VACCINATION MYTH #9: "Vaccinations are legally mandated, and thus unavoidable..."
VACCINATION TRUTH #9: "Legal exemptions from vaccinations are obtainable for most--but not all--U.S. citizens."
VACCINATION MYTH #10: "Public health officials always place health above all other concerns..."
Vaccination history is riddled with documented instances of deceit designed to portray vaccines as mighty disease conquerors, when in fact many times they have actually delayed and even reversed disease declines...

Sarah Thompson at Utah Gun Owners Alliance - Raging Against Self Defense: A Psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality - This was referenced in the latest issue of Privacy Alert, Vin Suprynowicz'es rag. It's long. I only skimmed it.

By better understanding advocates of civilian disarmament, and by learning and practicing some simple techniques to deal with their psychological defenses, you will be much more effective in your efforts to communicate with anti-gun people. This will enable you to be more successful at educating them about the realities of firearms and self-defense, and their importance to our liberty and safety.

Educating others about firearms is hard work. It's not glamorous, and it generally needs to be done one person at a time. But it's a very necessary and important task. The average American supports freedom of speech and freedom of religion, whether or not he chooses to exercise them. He supports fair trials, whether or not he's ever been in a courtroom. He likewise needs to understand that self-defense is an essential right, whether or not he chooses to own or carry a gun.

Kevin Southwick at - Victory in Vietnam -- Read All About It! - a second-generation Vietnamese immigrant has moved back to Hanoi. Why? Vietnam is freer than Amerika. Here, you lose 50% of your income to taxes. There, 10%. There's a guy from the Ukraine working where I work. He's in the U.S. on a 3-year visa. The more he learns about Amerika, the more he realizes that the Ukraine is a freer country. Less security, but more freedom. [lew]

It may come as a surprise to Americans, but Vietnamese workers do not have to bare their financial soul on an income tax form. They have a flat ten percent deduction from their paycheck. They do have other taxes, but not nearly as high as in the "land of the free." No, Vietnam is not utopia, but if you think America is, dream on.

Can it be, that after the horrible loss of young Americans in the Vietnam War, America is only pretending to be capitalist while Vietnam is only pretending to be Communist? That Communism would have failed without firing a single shot, without sending a single military advisor, without dropping a single bomb, without losing a single life? This is, indeed, what Ludwig von Mises told us.

Ed Cobb at - July 9th Is Buy A Gun Day -- Pass It On - A good reminder that the commU.N.ists begin their "Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons" conference next week. For the children, of course. While they are destroying guns on July 9, many patriots will be out buying them. Mr. Cobb tells you why you should be one of them and gives some advice on exactly what to buy. [lew]

There is also the matter of defining the "small" in "small arms" and the "light" in "light weapons." As far as I can tell those words mean any firearm that you or I might possibly own. At least that is where it will start. It could probably be expanded to mean swords, pikes, bows and arrows, slingshots and your Swiss Army knife as well but give them time. An elitist cabal has to start somewhere, after all. World government wasn't built in a day, you know.


You can even choose the theme for your party. If you are thinking along the lines of a housewarming party, consider a nice 20 gauge pump action shot gun. Enough kick to stop anyone who needs stopping but not so much recoil that you won't be able to squeeze off a second round in case he brought a friend. Good parties always get gatecrashers. Best of all, the click of the pump is so attention grabbing and UN-mistakable that you probably will never even have to fire it in anger. Just that lovely sound will generally set your average slime to running the other way. There's always another party, after all.

NewsMax - Supreme Court Upholds Broad Property Rights - Anthony Palazzolo has been at least partially vindicated by the Supremes. They said he has the right to sue the government for the taking of his land, but he'll have to do so once again in a lower court. Personally, I'll be surprised if he ever gets any money out of this, but I hope he gets the full three million smackers. [market]

Doug MacEachern at The Arizona Republic via MAPInc - The Straight Dope: In The War On Drugs, America's Soul Is The Casualty - Glorious article. Don't miss it. Many of America's problems are the result of the war on some drugs. The net effect on drug addiction? Zero.

The pathology of the illegal drug industry this war has created doesn't stop at glassy-eyed addicts or strutting, anarchic hoodlums. It seeps into everything.

It sat with a Los Angeles jury that in 1995 refused to find O.J. Simpson guilty of his wife's murder. The TV legal analysts hung a Jeffersonian-sounding term on the jury's rebellion -- "jury nullification," they called it.

But in effect it was a verdict rendered by a jury majority of Black men and women who could not countenance sending a high-profile man of color into the "system" that they'd seen eat up a quarter of all American Black men, largely via their involvement in the drug trade. The war on drugs set O.J. free.


But in 1914, the year an increasingly prohibitionist America first began banning certain drugs, 1.3 percent of the population was addicted.

In 1979, just as the war on drugs was going into overdrive, 1.3 percent of us were addicted.

Today, with 458,000 state and federal drug-war prisoners locked up -- most of them minorities -- and with over $40 billion spent annually by local, state and federal law enforcers to "interdict" the limitless supply, the addicted among us still stand at 1.3 percent.

Casper (WY) Star-Tribune via MAPInc - Party Still Planned at Ranch - Last Saturday, June 23, there was a 24-hour concert planned at Terry Bison Ranch, south of Cheyenne, Wyoming. This article was written on the 21st. The usual suspects were complaining that this was a rave, not a concert, and were worrying their poor little butts about droogz. I've been to Terry Bison Ranch a few times. It's a nice place for a party. I went to a barbecue there for my twentieth high school reunion back in 1994. My mother, who lives in Cheyenne, says that she remembers all the hullaballoo, but apparently it went off without a hitch, except that lots of the kids complained about being stopped on the highway and searched when they crossed from Colorado into Wyoming. The ranch is just north of the border.

Byte does PC Expo is on my reading list, at least Jerry Pournelle's pieces. [pournelle]

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