Summer Solstice, 2001
This place where you are right now
God circled on a map for you.
Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move
Against the earth and sky,
The Beloved has bowed there -
Our beloved has bowed there knowing
You were coming.
I could tell you a priceless secret about
Your real worth, dear pilgrim,
But any unkindness to yourself,
Any confusion about others,
Will keep one
From accepting the grace, the love,
The sublime freedom
Divine knowledge always offers to you.
Never mind, Hafiz, about
The great requirements this path demands
Of the wayfarers,
For your soul is too full of wine tonight
To withhold the wondrous Truth from this world.
But because I am so clever and generous,
I have already clearly woven a resplendent lock
Of His tresses
As a remarkable truth and gift
In this poem for you.
Received via email. Hehe.
A young man, hired by a, reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said, "Your first job will be to sweep out the place."
"But I'm a college graduate." the young man replied indignantly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that," said the manager. "Here, give me the broom, I'll show you how."
From Quotes of the Day:
"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say." -- Will Durant
Once or twice a week I go to ABC Sports & Fitness to work out before work. Just around the corner is Price Chopper® #138, where I often stop to pick up a little something on the way to the ABCS&F. This morning I got two items. While standing in the line at check-out, I noticed four lighted check-out signs with no people around, so I went there. They were self checkout stations, the Optimal Robotics U-Scan® Express. I scanned the UPC codes on my items, stuck them in the prepared bag, inserted a twenty dollar bill in the cash accepter, took my change, and walked out. There was one employee there watching the four machines and helping people use them. Very neat. Very easy. I like.
The safety nazis have struck again. After my work-out I took my newly purchased bottle of Johnson & Johnson® Baby Shampoo into the shower. I got all wet, opened the lid of the shampoo, and squeezed. Nothing came out. There was a seal under the cap, which was twisted on too tightly for me to undo with wet hands, so I had to make a trip to my towel to get it off. This is getting ridiculous. Pretty soon, I'll have to rip the seal off my dick to take a pee.
Janelle Brown at Salon - Sell a glowstick, go to prison - The d.e.a. (dung eating assholes) is cracking down on raves using crack-house laws from the eighties. Pfui. My take: time for dance promoters to start protecting their property. If narcs show up, shoot the bastards on sight. kuro5hin discussion here. [kuro5hin]
An injunction handed down against a group of New Orleans party promoters last Wednesday charges that glowsticks -- along with pacifiers, Vicks VapoRub and dust masks -- are "drug paraphernalia," and their presence on a dance floor is a sign that illegal drug activity is taking place.
"The government has this crazy notion that, somehow or another, a promoter should be held criminally responsible as a drug offender because of what people in the audience may do," said Arthur Lemann III, the lawyer for Brian Brunet. "It's a lot like arresting the usher because Pavarotti stabs the fat lady at the end of the opera."
"If they shut down every rave and nightclub and place of public assembly in the country, nothing will happen except that the dangers of drug intake will go underground, and people who make bad choices will pay the ultimate price," says Lirot, who is battling the Club La Vela case. "Whereas in the alternate settings, smart people take precautions and deal with problems professionally and safely and in a medically secure fashion. Chasing things underground is never a good idea -- although society thinks they benefit in the short term, they will end up paying for it in the long term."
John McCabe at - Dear, You suck. - John relates his experience finding and installing the newest free player from to play a 30-second movie.
After some MORE hunting around, I found the second super-secret link to the free player. I poignantly recall the declaration that would make their money on the content providers, and the player would be free forever. Free, yes, but at what cost?
I am then prompted for an email address. Of course, I have spent countless aborted attempts at finding this crappy program by now, so I dutifully enter "". If you happen to have that email address for yourself, let me apologize now. You can't imagine how many fake "" emails I get every month. I do understand what it's like.
I download and install the player.
Taking the "typical" installation was something I didn't pay enough attention to. They knew this. They counted on it. By the time I was done putting the player on my computer, every file type that Windows recognized was associated to RealPlayer. Every file I tried to download went through RealDownload. My wallpaper was reset to RealNetworksDeservesMySoul.bmp, a rather disturbing image I am still in therapy over, and the recipe for every Thai dish I ever tried was uploaded to Usenet, and crossposted over several hundred unrelated groups, with the tagline "me too."
Rick Weiss at The Washington Post -
Bush Backs Broad Ban On Human Cloning - Grabbe titled this one,
"Here Comes the Black Market in Cloning". How true! [grabbe]
Andrew Orlowski at The Register - Red Hat moves Into the black - Yay!
Stan Gibson at eWeek via ZDNet News - Red Hat database ready to roll - Red Hat plans to start offering PostgreSQL for an annual subscription of $199/month. It will likely be called the "Red Hat Database". [newsforge] - Linus Torvalds to leave Transmeta for Guinness - OH, NOOOOO... (wink, wink) [newsforge]
Linus' unexpected decision was largely related to the recent announcement of redundancies at the Guinness plant in Dundalk, where ex-staff will be compensated with free beer for life. The announcement brought home to him the many discussions about the nature of Free Software and, Linus said, finally helped him decide that Free Beer was more meaningful to him than Free Speech. The hardened hacks present agreed with this sentiment completely, and Linus received a standing ovation. Free beer was then made available to all.
michael at Slashdot - Total Solar Eclipse - tomorrow's total eclipse will be viewable on the web at from 11:35 to 13:25 UTC (that's EDT+4).
Previous Posts:
FreeAmp Rocks!
Budget-cutting as political drama
The Melonheaded Snipe
High court OKs after-hours religious club
The saga of The Moose's Tooth
Peter McWilliams: American Hero
Legalize Heroin
Pay more for better work? Sounds suspicious
State to squeak by on 'less money than we started with.' Heh, heh