An Unwinnable War on Drugs
The whole world just got thick
Again with
And everywhere I look
Makes me feel very proud
That all the objects and creatures
Can remain looking
So poised
And acting so cool
While keeping the Great Secret
So well
And not blissfully shout
All day long the Reality
I Am --
I Am the Wine!
The whole universe just got stoned
Out of its mind again
On the Beauty
Of God.
(The Subject Tonight is Love - versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky)
Ethan A. Nadelmann at the New York Times -
An Unwinnable War on Drugs - I'm surprised and happy that the
Times printed this one. [zero]
Mike Shelton at the Orange County Register - U.S. Supreme Court Rules - cartoon commentary on Monday's Supreme Court decision.
Don Mathews at - The Advocate of Plunder - Taxation is plunder, theft by government. No amount of fancy intellectual rhetoric can change this fact. [lew]
Andy Barniskis at How the Supreme Court "Seatbelt" Decision Repealed the Fourth Amendment - good analysis of Monday's supreme court decision. The fourth amendment is now toast. We can now rely only on state courts to protect the privacy of our personal belongings. [kaba]
Oleg Volk at Geeks with Guns - Registering guns "to prevent murder" is like registering genitals to prevent rape. Some will find this image offensive. If you are easily offended, don't click. ["geekswithguns"]
Survivor's SKS - Girls and Guns - scantily clad beauties posing with lethal force. ["geekswithguns"]
Pink Pistols - Pick on someone your own caliber. Armed gays don't get bashed. ["geekswithguns"]
Kuriko Miyake at InfoWorld - Japanese pack 1TB of memory into cubic centimeter - a femtosecond laser and samarium doped glass combine to pack a trillion bytes of memory into the volume of a sugar cube. Yow! [/.]