Jesus is coming to dinner
Free Republic - All Things Considered - NPR took the cake yesterday. Rick Carr characterized the siezure at gunpoint of Elian Gonzalez as freeing him. Sick. The story was about this year's Pulitzer prize winners. If you have Real Audio, you can listen here.
In journalism, the Miami Herald won for its coverage of the Elian Gonzalez saga, as did Associated Press photographer Allen Diaz, who took the picture of a federal agent in riot gear during the raid to free the young Cuban boy from his Miami relatives.
Keith B. Richburg at the International Herald Tribune - In Capital of Ecstasy, the Dutch Practice Tolerance - In Holland, lots of people use MDMA, most with no noticeable problems. There DO appear to be long-term bad effects from E, but it is also doubtful that the kids who use it at the rave scene will continue to be users for long enough to matter. [grabbe]
ed cummings at politechbot - An (ex)hacker's experience being pursued by the Feds: "CALEA's first casualty" tells about his time in federal prison because he collected the names and addresses of federal agents and took surveilance photos which were aired on FOX-TV in Philadelphia, all compliments of the u.s. secret service.
Sierra Times - The Seven Habits of Highly Successful IRS Prosecutors - this would be funny if it weren't true. [sierra]
Habit 5: Bring out everything that may be the least bit questionable that the defendant has done since he was born. Use anything and everything you can to scare jurors. Look for extremes. If the defendant is more intelligent, better-looking, or wealthier than the average juror, make that sound sinister. Again, be creative. Any characteristic or feature can be worked up into something to scare the jury into convicting him.
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Tax Day- A National Nightmare: Taxes are the problem we perceive. The real cause is congress' spending habits. We need to boot out of office all congress critters who refust to cut federal funding big time. Start with the 2002 election.
GZigZag is a Java implementation of a new hyperstructuring mechanism invented by Ted Nelson. Looks moderately interesting, though I haven't read much yet. [brianf]
ROME "is a modular, multitasking, embedded operating system which has been developed and used for multiple research projects within the Computer & Communications Research Laboratory (CCRL) of NEC USA, Inc. in Princeton, NJ." It has a tiny footprint (< 16KB), is easily portable, was "designed to manage high speed data streams within a multimedia environment", and is free. [meat]