Bache'ing It

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 14 Apr 2001 12:00:00 GMT
I'm back home. All alone except for two rats, two lizards, and a bunch of fish. Listening to Britney Spears. Really. I hadn't heard "Oops, I did it again" in a long time, so I bought the CD. I love that song.

Had a glorious tenth anniversary dinner with my beloved on Thursday night. Sat in Meher Baba's Lagoon Cabin Friday morning soaking up the rays. Ah...

Did my taxes early Thursday morning. Took about an hour to determine that I'm being robbed to the tune of $20K this year. @#$%^&*~! Told my wife, "That would make a good down payment on the house you want." She just looked at me.

The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Speech - The Jefferson Muzzles - Awards for censorship in honor of Thomas Jefferson's statement that freedom of speech "cannot be limited without being lost." [xray]

"Did you ever hear anyone say 'that work had better be banned because I might read it and it might be very damaging to me'?" -- Joseph Henry Jackson

Pierre Lemieux at Laissez Faire City Times - Violent Non-Violence - Concerning the protests against wto, nafta, and, most recently, ftaa. "Non-violent" civil disobedience with the purpose of encouraging governments to limit free trade by pointing guns at individuals who want to trade with other individuals who just happen to live in another country. Not that these organizations have anything whatsoever to do with true free trade... Concerning an activist's complaint about being turned back at the Canadian border, Mr. Lemieux says:

How naive, as if one could casually refuse consent to have his luggage searched by border thugs. And what a fabulous irony, for these antitrade activists are precisely demanding more border controls and more border cops.

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