PUC Clue
Will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage,
For a divine seed, the crown of destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain
You hold the title to.
Love will surely bust you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy
Even if your mind is now
A spoiled mule.
A life-giving radiance will come,
The Friend's gratuity will come -
O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.
From a sacred crevice in your body
A bow rises each night
And shoots your soul into God.
Behold the Beautiful Drunk Singing One
From the lunar vantage point of love.
He is conducting the affairs
Of the whole universe
While throwing wild parties
In a tree house - on a limb
In your heart.
(The Subject Tonight is Love, versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky)
Declan McCullagh and Ryan Sager at Wired - Anti-Spam Bill's Second Wind - Concerning H.R.95, the "Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Act of 2001". The people that Mr.s McCullagh and Sager talked with think this one's going to pass the house. No telling about the senate. [wired]
The Libertarian Party is planning an internet advertising campaign in April. They're asking people to vote on one of four ads. I put the four ads on this page, so you can see all four at full size at once.

Karen Gaudette of AP via the Washington Post -
Calif. Regulators OK Rate Increases - 47% consumer electricity
price increase approved by the California Public Utilities
Commission. Don't know if this is enough to allow the utilities to
operate at a profit, but it's a start. It's about time someone talked
sense into these morons. The sheep are braying, of course. [mind]
Julie Jargon at Westword Online - Civics Disobedience; A teacher at Thornton High School gets a lesson in social studies - Andrew Hartman won't be teaching at Thornton High next year. The school administration didn't like his politics. I'll bet his students had a blast, though. We had a teacher like this in the other high school in town (I went to Central, he taught at East, his son was one of my best friends). He held on to his job for quite a while by winning lawsuits. I wish he'd been at my school. I might have actually liked his Social Studies classes. Memorizing names and dates of dead people never excited me. He was a socialist, still is I think, but so was I, in high school. Grew out of it. [unknown]
Ronald Bailey at Reason - Venting on Global Warming - So, is the earth heating up, or is it actually cooling? Depends on how you measure. Maybe we shouldn't be so fast at regulating something we don't really understand. [zero]
Charles C. Mann of Inside.Com via MSNBC - Charley Pride takes lead with controversial technology; First "Napster-proof" CD set to burn - Copy protection for Audio CDs. Yawn. We'll see software to get around this within a week of when the CD ships. Copy protection doesn't work. Get used to it. [mind]
An update from John Gilmore. The filter blocking his outgoing email disappeared around noon on Monday. He doesn't know if they're still planning to cut off his service on April 4.
John Lettice at The Register - WinXP Blade: MS' plan to kill off Linux Web servers - and Microsoft and Intel may not be so buddy-buddy in the future. I suppose if MS chucked IIS and worked at bringing the Apache Windoze port up to commercial quality, they'd have a chance at beating Linux for web servers. IIS won't hack it, though. Too hard to configure. [xray]
This is actually where we at The Register live. We run our site on Linux because it's flexible, robust and cheap, and we think we might have to switch to the shifty bunch of control freaks at Sun if we ever grow up. We'd rather stick hot needles in our eyes than go the Microsoft route, and this goes even if Redmond were to give us the code for free, or if we improbably found ourselves in charge of an infinite pile of money. We've gone into this, trust us, this is an entirely commercial decision and has absolutely nothing to do with whether the competing vendors are nice people or not. But they're not. None of them.
Borislav Kolev at Palm PQA Developers Forum - RE: Can I use my own proxy for web clipping: Mr. Kolev says that there is finally an alternative to Palm's proxy server: JP Mobile. No prices on their web site.
I played with three Jabber clients yesterday, WinJab, JabberIM, and Rival Messenger. WinJab was the most featurful, but it was slower and less stable than the other two. "Flaky" was the word I used to describe it on the jdev conference at conference.jabber.org. The other two are both fast and appear to be stable, though I'll have to play with them more to know for sure.