Another Stake in Liberty's Heart
A man goes to the White House and asks to see President Clinton...The Marine on duty tells the guy that Clinton isn't President, and to please leave.
The man goes away. The next day he comes back to the White House and asks to see President Clinton. The marine on duty reminds him that Clinton is not President, and to please go away. The man goes away. The next day, he comes back again, and again the same Marine is on duty. The man asks to see President Clinton, and the Marine, his patience worn out, says, "WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING HERE ASKING FOR HIM? CLINTON IS NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE!!!"
The man smiles and says, "I know, I just like hearing it."
Matthew Yi at the San Francisco Chronicle - Justices OK jail for minor infractions; Woman was arrested for seat-belt offense - the nazis have won. They may now arrest us for any little thing they damn well please. It will very soon be time to shoot them first and ask questions later. California police are promising not to emulate the behavior of the Texas fascist. Yeah. Right. [unknown]
A narrowly divided U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the authority of police officers yesterday to handcuff, arrest and jail people for minor offenses, such as not wearing seat belts.
Richard Cowan at Marijuana News - The 2001 NORML Conference: A Class Act - a good synopsis of the 4/20 conference in D.C. [mjn]
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Spy Plane Incident Shows a Need for New Policies - As Eisenhower said in 1956 after an American spy plane crashed into the China sea, in similar circumstances, the U.S. would shoot down a Chinese spy plane. So why are we simultaneously trading with and spying on the Chinese?
The best route to a lasting peace with China is true free trade, meaning trade without government barriers, subsidies, or multinational bodies like the WTO. Mao's China, closed from trade with the world, would have had little incentive to return our captured crew, and every incentive to use them as hostages. Today's China, while still authoritarian, depends on America to buy billions in goods. The Chinese government thus faced political and economic pressure to settle the dispute peacefully, rather than alienate millions of American consumers. Politics aside, few countries want to go to war with their customers or their suppliers.
Charley Reese at the Orlando Sentinel - So you want to go to war with China? some well-needed rationality about China. [lew]
As for you "love-it-or-leave-it" blockheads, you leave it and go fight instead of sending someone else if you are such grand warriors. What I love are the people and the land, not the government.The lives of a nation's youth are its most precious treasure, and I'm damned if I will stay silent while armchair generals propose to risk that treasure in some stupid, ignorant, corrupt or unnecessary war.
Fred R. Mason at - Hillary Clinton is MMM Ace-In-The Hole at Albany Anti-rights Rally - hitlary will be speaking for the forty thousand mortified moms. I plan to attend the counter-rally. Candidates for the two messages on my sign (one on each side): "GUNS SAVE LIVES", "VERMONT CARRY NOW", "END THE WAR ON FREEDOM", "HI HITLARY", "HEIL HITLARY". If you have other ideas or want to help me decide, send those letters to
Mark Riley at The Sydney Morning Herald -
Silence of the fans in insane power struggle - There's 10
megawatts of windmill electricity generation capacity sitting
idle in the Mojave dessert for lack of transmission lines to carry it
to California's power hungry consumers. Why haven't we heard about
this before now? Could it be that the whole "crisis" is about
political, not electrical, power? Naw... [unknown]