When your eyes have found the strength
To constantly speak to the world
All that is most dear
To your own
When your hands, feet, and tongue
Can perform in that rare unison
That comforts this longing earth
With the knowledge
Your soul,
Your soul has been groomed
In His city of love;
And when you can make others laugh
With jokes
That belittle no one
And your words always unite,
Does vote for you.
Hafiz will vote for you to be
The minister of every country in
This universe.
Hafiz does vote for you my dear.
I vote for you
To be
The Gift, Poems by Hafiz, translations by Daniel Ladinsky
Joel posted an AP photo of the presidential ballot. allpolitics.com labels this picture as "Sample of the disputed Palm Beach County ballot". I can't see any room for confusion here. Anyone who couldn't understand it deserves to vote other than they intended. [joel]

Gary B. Waid at the egroups American Liberty list - Justice - American Style: the story of one federal marijuana prisoner's journey to and abuse in a Florida prison. Wake up people. Why are we punishing peaceful folks for possessing vegetables? [grabbe]
Peter J. Mancus at CCOPS - A Conversation with Sebastopol, Ca Police Officer Robert Smith: this conversation is the reason for the creation of CCOPS, Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States. In it, police officer Robert Smith relates that if he were given an order to confiscate guns, he would do so, killing anyone who resisted. [jpfo]
Feed Magazine - The Future of Drugs: the newsest issue of Feed Magazine is all about drugs. I haven't read it yet, short of skimming a few articles, but Monde says that it's written from mostly an anti-prohibitionist viewpoint. [randomonium]
drugreform.org has devoted their home page to the results on drug reform measures across the country. Survey says: End the War on Freedom, er... some drugs, now. They left out Alaska's Measure 5 to legalize hemp and marijuana. According to this CNN page, it lost by 61% to 39%. Drat. [unknown]
JBuilder 4 Foundation is available for download. It works on Windows, Linux, and Solaris. The cost is filling out a longish survey to get an activation key. I downloaded it and got the key, but haven't tried it yet. [cafe]
Jacob is a Java class browser and project manager for Emacs. It is written in Java, but uses Emacs as its editor (can use JEdit as well). I have downloaded it, but not yet tried it. [cafe]
Bob Murphy at LewRockwell.com - An Open Letter to Republicans: Why we shouldn't cheer about GW being elected (guess he wrote this before all the rucus in Florida). Nice story about why liberty keeps getting eroded because of our two-party system. [lew]
But now to my main point. Rather than celebrating, you Republicans should be mourning this terrible system in which we're all trapped. Imagine if your surgeon or babysitter were decided by a national election. Pretty scary, huh? But that's how we pick the man who will have the power to steal our money and blow up foreigners.
Gene Callahan at LewRockwell.com - Election Night Diary: Good commentary on the election night drama. [lew]
Finally, at 4:30, I give up and go to bed. The final count doesn't matter anyway. The policies that will be implemented have little to do with either candidates' platform -- witness the meaninglessness of "The Reagan Revolution," or the "Contract with America." Whatever the candidates say, government grows and liberty disappears, a little bit each year.
Fred Reed - Al, Al, Or Al: Pondering The National Farce: Why are voters so apathetic about going to the polls? Well that's simple. We got a liberty jones. What's a liberty jones? Well that's simple. A liberty jones is when you love liberty so much that you are like a junky. Liberty jones, I got a liberty jones, I got a liberty jones, oh baby, oo-oo-oooo... (my compliments to Cheech and Chong's "Basketball Jones" on their Los Cochinos album). [lew]
OK. As I write this, I don't know which version of Al Gore will be our next humiliation. The pools suggest George.dot.Gore as distinct from Al.dot.Gore, and that Hillary, the Fridge That Ate New York, is going to. (I'm not sure that made chronological sense.) One blessing at least will be hearing less from the current National Embarrassment and his trusty humidor Monica.